@moderators Maybe this should be in Learning Rust :safe:
In safe_network/cli.rs at main lines 28 on
use clap::{AppSettings::ColoredHelp, Parser};
use color_eyre::{eyre::eyre, Result};
use sn_api::{Safe, XorUrlBase};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use tracing::{debug, warn};
Ok we are importing functions/code from else where - just what are we importing and why? some is obvious to me, some is not
line 34 has a useless (to me) comment after it
#[derive(clap::StructOpt, Debug)]
/// Interact with the Safe Network
Somebody ELIF that line #[derive(clap::StructOpt, Debug)]
please? cos # is NOT a comment here AIUI
lines 49-57 deal with options on the command line
/// Output data serialisation: [json, jsoncompact, yaml]
#[clap(short = 'o', long = "output", global(true))]
output_fmt: Option<OutputFmt>,
/// Use JSON as output serialisation format (alias of '--output json')
#[clap(long = "json", global(true))]
output_json: bool,
/// Base encoding for XOR-URLs. Currently supported: base32z (default), base32 and base64
#[clap(long = "xorurl", global(true))]
xorurl_base: Option<XorUrlBase>,
Why would I want to use any option other than the default? What are the use cases for the non-default options?
Just little stuff like that would certainly help me and possibly others too.