What’s up today? (Part 2)

And today I found out I was cancer free. Sorry I never spoke about this to anyone. I felt it was something I had to fight on my own as it was very advanced and the chances of survival were very low. (plus I could not speak or eat etc.) This story of this network could never be about me and I never want it to be distracted by me.

I hope you can all now see the amazing predicament I left @bux in as she started and I copped out on her. All in all it’s amazing it all worked out and the team have really put in the hours to get us here. I am trying to get through the code and help out where I can, but I am way less than useful in many areas as I cannot focus as well just yet. It will take another 6-12 months of that all to be back to normal.

In any case, we all know now and again forgive me for being evasive, I am sure many of you guessed and thanks for not probing and having public debates on this one. You are a great community and I hope for us all we get the network up, the API sorted and build amazing apps, because the worlds about to change and we can really help with peoples privacy here, much more than when we started.

Thanks again folks, ye have me for a few more decades yet and thanks again @bux for your continued leadership, it’s been truly incredible you managed all that so well and continue to do so.