What makes šŸœ unique for consumers - a discussion for future marketing

Iā€™m just doing the economics here. We know itā€™s 5x copies, so if your are providing storage then even with ideal conditions youā€™d only get one fifth the storage capacity on the network relative to what you provide and we know that conditions in reality are never ideal either.

If there is no means to bring in move capital in and out of the network, then there is only a barter economy, but again 5x copies of every chunk ā€¦ so there is no means for that to be sustainable (itā€™s literally, in function, a pyramid scheme) if capital canā€™t be moved in or out. In order to bring in those who will provide the large amounts of storage needed (who themselves wonā€™t be demanding the same amount of storage in return), then they need to be able to earn value for the resources contributed and that can only happen if they can sell tokens.

As for who builds the exchanges, thatā€™s another matter. As it stands now, itā€™s an Eth lvl2.

I created another thread the same time as this one to discuss an alternative to that:

And Iā€™ve brought up using a fork of Bisq before, but that one has been waved away with a vague reason about itā€™s legality or risk.

Those topics aside though given where we are with many important aspects of the network now indefinitely on hold until sometime after launch, we need to come to a clear understanding of what it is we are offering at launch that will bring in token buyers. As we will definitely have many sellers and without buyers, that spells doom for the token value. How is the foundation going to fund further development if the token becomes worthless?

It may seem Iā€™m being hyperbolic but I donā€™t think I am. Itā€™s quite possible for the token to lose all value and so for no one to even want to use the network at launch.

Why would people run nodes? Whoā€™s going to upload data to a network thatā€™s offering what :ant: is offering? Itā€™s only natural for those of us here who are supporters to say ā€œME!! - I WILL!!ā€ ā€¦ but of course we are all lunatics. What is the motivation for others? Who is our target market group?

Long run, with native token I think there are many possibilities, but with an ERC, I donā€™t see many use cases and that scares the crap out of me as it means no demand for tokens which then means the project collapses.

@bux @dirvine @JimCollinson show me my error in thinking? Who is our target market? How are we going to differentiate ourselves, how are we going to target our future users?

None of that should be a secret at this stage of the game - it should all be public ā€¦ but Iā€™ve not seen it. Maybe it doesnā€™t exist!! :cold_face:

We need leadership here. We need guidance. We need hope.