What makes šŸœ unique for consumers - a discussion for future marketing

With the network undergoing many changes in the push for launch, itā€™s hard to keep up with what uses the network will have (and when it will have them). This is a topic to consider itā€™s use-cases with a eye toward how we may differentiate and market the network.


Quite the reverse ā€¦

We canā€™t compare ourselves to either of these as Bitcoin was the first and so will always have a sweet spot for people. Ethereum offers things that we donā€™t and maybe never will and was also first in itā€™s class.

We need to be able to market ourselves to create demand for the token. If there is no demand, then there is no need for supply.

In terms of chicken or the egg, demand always comes first.

On the contrary, people donā€™t know what they want. If you asked people 200 years ago what vehicle they wanted, they would have told you they wanted faster horses.

The human brain is incapable of imagining revolutionary things because they are too far removed from the present.

Autonomi is revolutionary and will create things we canā€™t imagine (possibly the AI ā€‹ā€‹network from Hyperion).

But this is a meaningless argument, we will live and see who was right in his predictions.

I personally plan to continue promoting farming heavily to my acquaintances.

Check out the Dev Forum


Maybe add this question to stages for tomorrow @TylerAbeoJordan


well ā€¦ and since the uploads are now annoying with the slow erc20 coming with fees ā€¦ but downloads are still free of charge ā€¦ that means that e.g. a ad-free YouTube, Spotify, p2p-chat, market place, backup-solution, p2p streaming ā€¦ should be possible ā€¦ with either no data needing to be stored by consumers ā€¦ or just contact info being stored on the network and main communication is p2p without using the slow and fee-prone data layer ā€¦

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Motor vehicles leapfrogged the existing tech - horses.

What are the features we are offering that are at least somewhat better? I think there must be some, but unclear to my mind at the moment. Thatā€™s why I created this thread so we can discuss this.

The OG white paper was a decade ago, but time has passed and recent changes to the network have made us far less revolutionary. Iā€™d like to know what aspect is revolutionary now.

Farming is supply side ā€¦ this thread is for demand side marketing.

yeah - the estimated possible market for cars was 0.5 * humanity (because for every person driven there ofc would be a professional driver needed that could repair and take care of every aspect of the car at site) ā€¦ that how leapfroggy and reliable cars where back then :slight_smile: ā€¦

Letā€™s break that down.

  1. ad-free YouTube, Spotify, & market place ā€“ needs search app ā€“ so not marketable features at launch and unknown if/when that will happen - although I posited an idea on a search app recently in another thread.
  2. p2p-chat, backup-solution, p2p streaming ā€“ again apps that wonā€™t likely exist at launch. Would be useful on :ant:, but there are many established alternatives for these already, so by themselves they arenā€™t going to attract many if any users.

None of this is going to attract much demand for the token.

Iā€™m going to play devilā€™s advocate here as I think we need to give this a good hard look and realistically consider what we can offer folks in a real timeline. So far I donā€™t see much to attract users at launch - or anytime after as I donā€™t know what or when apps will be built.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re in this with such a constructive attitude :slight_smile:

so everything needed is a way to discover stuff - right? sound pretty impossible to happen in the foreseeable future :thinking:

would we have that with using a native token?


I donā€™t know who estimated that but was obviously wrong because oil made everything so cheap. Horses also require a lot of care and maintenance and arenā€™t ready to go when you are. Regardless of quality, the tech was much better than horses.

What was the Internet before search! You may not recall, but I do - and it wasnā€™t much.

Pot calling the kettle black. :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously though I did create a thread on this:

Itā€™s not impossible at all.

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that was meant to be irony ā€¦ ofc data discovery will happen - we just havenā€™t seen it because there is no api yet ā€¦ there couldnā€™t be apps of reasonable use without data discovery ā€¦ and thatā€™s true independent of any coin ā€¦ therefore this canā€™t be an argument against the erc20 network ā€¦?

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True, but thatā€™s not what this thread is for. Just want to open up creative discussion on what we will be able to do with the network at launch and then how we can market that to users. Because if we donā€™t have the ability to market it to users, then demand for the token will be ā€¦ :ice_cube:

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okay - good luck with other ideas since mine donā€™t seem to work for you :slight_smile:


End to end encrypted decentralized cloud storag/internet layer with currency that can be used for transactions and exchange trades.

But what is possible in the short term?

Web Sites? Dynamic?
Youtube. caching nodes needed for 100-1000 simultaneous streaming downloads?
mail/chat services
Market places

Would like to hear from those who understand the different data types and that understand possibilities and limits of the netowork and data types.

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Is this unique to us? It may be, I genuinely donā€™t know.

This part isnā€™t unique to us I think - but it will become unique once we reclaim the native token down the track, as then we will have a scalable feeless token.

As apps yes, but not at launch, so we canā€™t really market that to users, only devs.

If and when we get a search app, so again not at launch for users.

We need to find something we can market to users to bring them into the token ecosystem and so to prop up the price at launch ā€¦ otherwise the price may tank - unless some whales come in ā€¦ and I suspect whales arenā€™t going to notice us unless there are some big partnerships to be announce prior to launch.

Iā€™d really like to hear from @bux @JimCollinson @dirvine on the marketing plan here and how we can help during launch. If we donā€™t have a strong plan to bring in new interested people, then our token value is going to drop like a hot potato when long term investors start profit taking at token launch.


A good question for the AMA tonight!


Iā€™m not on the other forum thing so will leave that to others ā€¦ I want a discussion here as this is where I can interact easily.

Iā€™ve posted my questions on Discord for this week stages, thought they might be of interest.

We can still advertise what is possible on the network, even if it is not ready. The question i would like to know is how it would be possible to create such apps, how the different data types gives possibilites to create above apps from launch and forward. What the network possibilities are from the beginning of launch and forward.

But which other networks have currencies you can by storage on? Tried to google how to buy storage on IPFS but IPFS, Storj, Arweave still feels like vaporware. I have a hard time understanding how to buy storage, with what do you buy storage, how the network works and how to use it.

With example the low prices on Storj it does not seem like people use the network. I donā€™t get the feeling that many people use IPFS or Arweave either. Looking at reddit a little time back ago, interest seems low. IPFS, Storj and Arweave seems like nothing more than money grabs, they used software that was bad from the beginning and just slapped cypto on to it somehow. Researching IPFS, Storj Arweave makes me fā€™cking angry, I canā€™t understand if there are information there or not or if it just is vapor.

When searching how to use IPFS, Storj on youtube, then I get results like, how to make money or how to develop on the platforms.

So Autonomi might be the only network were the currency is connected to be used on the network, were the currency matters. :person_shrugging:


This! I think youā€™ve hit on one really strong marketing point - usability. Itā€™s still going to be difficult though as people will need to buy tokens on an exchange, but then can store without much software hassle. So not for grandma at all, but for crypto-savvy users who want to store data.

By itself this isnā€™t a panacea for the token price at launch but if we can put a few unique :ant: only features forward in our consumer facing marketing then we may be able to save this project. And I do mean save it, because if the token drops significantly on launch, Iā€™m not certain that the foundation can survive ā€“ and if that goes, then so do the paid dev team.

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