What are your business ideas for the SAFE-Network?

Have a few ideas … I suppose the biggest idea, which I am sure many others may be thinking about as well would be to create a social media DApp … SafeBook/SAFEPlace/??

I suspect that if this gets built by someone – and it may be inevitable – then it could become THE ultimate social media center for the entire globe.

In my version it would be a not a for-profit business with open-source code … essentially a one-stop go-to DApp that would give search (allowing custom plug-able algorithms), blog/vlog/commenting, sharable calendars, trello-like board system, and endless feeds.

Add a nice interface to create, subscribe, view, & contribute to feeds. Users can create multiple public and private profiles and optionally add specific tags to each of them which remain private and - unavailable to anyone. Feed advertisers can target these users with tags - however they do not learn anything about those users, including who they are and what other tags they might have listed in their private profile. Feeds would go one-way unless the user decides to engage with the feed. Basically, your tags build your input feeds and you could have as many as you want and organize them how you want.

Perhaps some tiny revenue system could be built in (from advertisers?) to facilitate code development and debug.

Ideally the whole thing will be autonomous like the Safe Network.

Unless someone else gets a good start on this before me, then I will work towards making this happen in a year or so after Beta is launched.

Before that though some of us on the forum are planning on launching a SafeApp Group to help developers with quality control and quality assurance for users. More info is here: https://forum.autonomi.community/t/safeapp-foundation-ico