Hi there,
spoiler alert: this is not another awesome app for the yet to be launched SAFE network. This is a pitch for an info folder that I plan to do and that essentially needs to be financed. I am not raising money at this point, because I wanted to discuss the project with you guys. Also, since the network is not yet up and running with Safecoin, there are still too many open variables to get serious about the concept.
Click here to check the mockups in a decent resolution.
My personal background
As some of you may know I do 2D design (check out parts of my portfolio at paintitscience.com) as a sideline to my work as a researcher. I got in touch with Bitcoin in 2012 and ever since fell in love with cryptocurrencies. When I first started to follow Maidsafe it took me a lot of time to understand how things are supposed to work. Still today, after reading all sorts of posts and papers I fell like not quite grasping everything and I guess it´s very likely I am not the only one. The barrier between a non-technical yet interested person and this person becoming part of the network is, as I believe, even at this point too high.
The videos released by Maidsafe are quite a good start for newbies. However, they lack a comprehensive step by step instruction how to start using the network (thanks to @dyamanaka we have a first tutorial video). One of the obvious reasons for that is that we are not even in beta and it´s too early to have tutorials for people who want to be part of the network. Anyway, I thought it would good to plan in advance and think about a medium that reaches out to people outside the community bubble who are interested in privacy and security.
The Concept
The concept is pretty simple as you can see from the mockup below: A 4 column paper folder (50cmx12,5cm) with a unconventional polygon folding scheme that informs in ~20 illustrations on a very broad level about the current internet structure (servers), the innovation that SAFE brings in and how it can contribute to an internet that belongs to the users (frontside).
It also contains a 4-step instruction how to become part of the network (for the mockup I used topics like “installing the SAFE plugin” etc, but the eventually relevant topics still need to be discussed). A more precise step-by-step “How-to” on a webpage flanks these instructions. The 4-step instructions contain QR-codes which guide the reader through each of the points.
The main target is to create a storyline that within one minute gives the reader an idea about what SAFE is and within five more minutes knows how to get started. The folder will be released in English and German. If people assist with translations, other versions can be added.
The folders is meant to be distributed in basically all places where potential users can be expected (bars, hostels, but also hallways of universities or at your city library). Since cryptocurrencies “live” online, print media are probably not the first thought, however many people are positively surprised that they can even “hold” cryptomoney on paper, so there is a direct relation. It would even be possible to “attach” Safecoin to the folder (faucet-style).
I decided to design the folder in a noticeable folding style that catches people´s attention. This has to be done manually, however is pretty straight forward. The style is based on the twisted lines in the Maidsafe logo. For the illustrations I am going to use a style similar to this one with one basic color in different shades. The illustrations are connected using the “road” metaphor.
The main costs for this projects is the time spent on the illustrations. I want them to look appealing, funny, yet serious, like a small, little world. The money I am going to raise will decide on how much time I am able to spend into detail. I will also use money to set up a webpage on both - the conventional internet and the SAFE network - that provides mainstream users with additional, yet compact information.
Since I am currently finishing my thesis and going to have my second child in May/June I will not start working on this project before July, but I also believe that it needs this time since the MVP is not out and if its out, the product yet lacks Safecoin. On each illustration I will spend about 8 hours plus additional hours for finishing and adjusting. I plan to write a story line and discuss it with the community to make sure everything is described precisely and comprehensively. Also I am going to share the results with the community, so there is a steady flow of content and adjustment can take while the whole work is still in progress.
I plan to do this full time, so the support I plan to raise is mostly for my work on a product that allows to disseminate information on SAFE. However, with each contribution I will also print the product and give it to the donator (in some cases local printing will be the better option, I still need to figure that out). I will also think about additional creative products based on the illustrations that I create: Posters, T-Shirts, Clubcards and more to reward those who allow to make this happen.
I hope this gives you a broad idea of what I plan to do. As I said this is NOT (yet) a crowdfunder. I post it to give you an idea about what I intend to do in the near future to improve visibility of the project and to give you the chance to add ideas how to make an even better product.