Watch this video! :)

Question to all visitors to Watch this video!

Do you watch videos posted without any context from the poster?

  • hardly ever
  • rarely
  • often
  • almost always

0 voters


You left out a possible choice: Never :grinning:


Google is going to allow advertising of crypto in August. What is the point of your questionnaire? It makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong and you are not coming out and saying it but hinting at it. The video description gives all the context with timestamps. It takes two clicks to seed the full video description.


Got to agree with @Knosis there, the questionnaire seems to me a bit edgy response at that context.

Then again:

In the opening post of this thread it was said that:

So you @Knosis have not followed the rules of this topic. But of course you are not the only one. Maybe it is actually worthwhile to have a poll if that rule is benefical or not.

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The OP is completely clear. No need to “feel” anything.

I’ll refrain from sharing in the future. No worries. You guys have a blast.


I hadn’t heard of him until a few days ago when I saw this video…very interesting perpsective and presentation…

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Jeff is the best :+1:t2:

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The poll wasn’t run for long but got 24 votes and gives a clear sense that sharing a video with some context, even just a sentence of what it contains and why you think people might want to watch it makes it a lot more useful.

Without some context only about 20% of those polled are likely to watch it, and half would hardly ever watch it.

It makes sense that the chance of people watching what you share is much increased if you give some information about it. Sometimes it is obvious, but IME most often it is not and FYI @knosis I didn’t get enough information from the title of the video you posted which is why I thought I’d do a poll. This wasn’t meant personally - if you look back you can see you aren’t the only one posting without context.

It makes sense that people don’t want to click and watch an unknown amount of video to find out what something is about, and as pointed out, the OP does ask everyone to do this when posting.


I’d like to add that it also adds an element of discussion to the posting of a video. Often, it is not just a video that is interesting, it is also why someone else found it interesting in some specific way, and how I may find another points of view interesting.


Are they using double negative in your dialect, or is this a sneaky way to communicate something :wink:


If you take the first letter of each line in my post, convert to ASCII and use that as a book code with the Safe Network Primer you will learn nothing of interest.


That isn’t not probably true.


Elon Musk however (tweet after his Bitcoin breakup):


In his heart, Elon just wants to be a shitposter like the rest of us.


Short clip of the CopterPack from Australian-based startup CopterPack

The lightweight airframe is constructed from a carbon fiber honeycomb, with two propellers on either side of the operator, lifting the person into the air.



As dangerous as it is cool!


Sorry, not as cool as the Flyboard.


Yes, the flyboard is cooler, but I can’t ride a skateboard without breaking my butt, so I’ll stick with the copterpack :wink:

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Don’t immediately throw your hands up in victory on a successful landing.

I’m thinking how good it’d feel on your spine to just hang like that though.

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