Great update and corresponding RFC, thank you! Welcome back @oetyng.
This is a typo right? There were supposed to be 2^32???
Great update and corresponding RFC, thank you! Welcome back @oetyng.
This is a typo right? There were supposed to be 2^32???
See here:
Thx 4 the update Maidsafe devs
Resource Supply Reward is a even better strategy to keep the Network online.
Keep hacking super ants
Great update maidsafe. Are we nearly there yet?! Keep plodding on. I just want to see it out there in the wild
Yeah, easy to get sucked in. I blame it all on @happybeing.
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I must not criticise Elon Musk
I so agree!
Great work team, this is such a revolutionary technology, and we are close. The electric car is nothing new, Henry Ford’s wife drove one, but the Safe Network is.
We are witnessing a technology coming out of the ether, from the muse of mathematics, being born of dreams. This tech is way out there… not found in encyclopedias, cheers.
Thank you for the heavy work team MaidSafe! I add the translations in the first post
Privacy. Security. Freedom
“10% of the total genesis supply (452,552,412 SNT) will be allocated to MaidSafeCoin holders in the form of an airdrop: 1 MaidSafeCoin == 1 SNT.
5% of the total genesis supply (226,276,206 SNT) will be allocated to MaidSafe shareholders, with each share entitling the bearer to 111.5 SNT.”
who are the maidsafe shareholders ?
am i a shareholder or a holder
i bought maidsafe while a go…
Shareholders is in reference to MaidSafe Limited, so no.
thx for clarifying the point
one more question
what if a maidsafe holder who hold through years
couldnt claim snt at time…due to personal issue accident coma prison…whatever.
his or her coin will be taken by the foundation too?
are they deadline for claiming snt for token holder?
No deadline for claiming is expected!
Privacy. Security. Freedom