RFC 0061 — Safe Network Token Distribution

2^32 was facet of the original design concept of Safecoin. It was a hard limit due to that design.

But as some of you may recall, due to some ‘fun times’ at the ICO thanks to a mastercoin bungle, there was an over issue of MaidSafeCoin which left us with a conundrum on how to deal with the additional supply and maintain a 1:1 redemption as promised.

Thankfully with the new token system design we no longer have any such restrictions on what the Total Supply can be and we can match the ICO amount, and maintain the same splits as per the original paper.

Hence the change to 111.5 SNT per share.

There are 2,029,332 shares. Any left over SNT will be melted down, forged into a medallion and presented to @Bogard at the Network launch ribbon cutting ceremony.