Twitter pump - Sat March 23

I am more of a lets see what Maidsafe team can deliver, then once we know for sure what we currently all just speculate on we can start promoting the great deliveries the team has produced out in the wild open source space. Point them to the code, point them to docs explaining the code. Get minds that really understand this stuff fundamentally(other hardcore crypto teams) to evaluate what maid has done. Sadly most reviews I have seen have been brief and tossing maid aside as producing regurgitated logic with minor tweaks(like what the ETH dev said awhile back about parsec). I am waiting for that moment where the network comes together in all its glory and produces performance + reliability unparalleled with other networks to be honest. I understand that you come from the crypto gainz space of buying/selling coins turning a profit, I believe generally look to other coins short term if you want just straight profit growth(I would probs get some ETH/BTC and a few other top ones right now). But keep accumulating MaidSafe in the event the brainiacs on this team reach beta as I think then when we have a network and safecoin is implemented and people begin converting over, the crypto gain madness will come to the good ole SafeNetwork. I forsee hard shills touting us as the coolest thing ever solving word poverty and all kinda things the network will not actually even do :laughing:, but we will at least know it will give us a secure new decentralized net to play around with :wink: .

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Here are more Twitter ready community GIFs & memes

Put your SAFE-network gifs here


I like the idea of a Fleming graphic, we will add it to the promotional plans


@andyypants, have you seen this topic for an example of one member who has been promoting the alpha 2 network. It might be a good example for you to look at. People are doing marketing now, so you are not alone in the desire and obvious intent to actually do marketing. And that is good.


We dont know this for sure. It may be tomorrow. In tei weeks. In 2 months or even 2 years.

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Could that be posted in some reddit topic? Very nice list, Zoki!


Thank you. :slight_smile:

I keep losing my reddit IDs.
If anyone reading this wants to post it in the subreddit that would be great.


I got some inspiration from the old Nike ad “Just do it!”. :slightly_smiling_face::wink:



Here is something that could go viral.

Sweet karma available for the first to post this on reddit.

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