Trezor: support for OMNI and MAID

I opened a github issue and linked this topic :thinking:

I assume this behavior is of interest to some other people too


Thank you for opening the error in github issue

When I say that sometimes, not all…?
I can’t see my maid

is the other error that appears in github

I hope that these exposed problems will help to solve the problem.



I don’t think anyone here will make this mistake, but we’d better warn.


Hey all – creator of here. First I would like to say I’m really glad people are getting some use out of the tool and that it has passed the initial community teardown (mostly) :slight_smile:. Second, I am very sorry about the issue mentioned above where the amount sent was different than the amount entered, I will check this out first thing in the morning and report back.

Regarding the wallets sometimes showing up and sometimes not, that particular part of the app was a bit tricky. The way the OMNI protocol works, it was easiest (and safest) to put in place some basic enforcements before a transaction was attempted - most notably that there is a single output on the wallet greater than 800 satoshi, which is different than the wallet itself having total outputs (the balance shown in Trezor) greater than 800 satoshi. Open to suggestions and pull requests here – maybe we can show in an expandable menu wallets that have OMNI tokens but that don’t meet the proper requirements for a transaction, with some explanation? And if it’s being sporadic, it’s possible the issues are on omniexplorer’s side, whose API is used by the omnitrezor tool.

General suggestions for improvement are also most welcome. Probably the best place to get support and request features would be on the project’s Github page: GitHub - tektite-software/omni-trezor: OMNI Wallet for Trezor. I will do me best to respond to issues there in a timely fashion as the quality and correctness of this application ultimately reflects back on me and my organization.


Ok, so yes I did see there was a bug where the amount field was not always in the proper format before being hex-encoded, which resulted in it not being encoded properly. It should be fixed now. On the “Sign & Send” screen, I would also like to mention if you click “Show OP_RETURN Details” you’ll be able to see the full encoded OP_RETURN data with a brief explanation of each part. It’s probably unreasonable to expect every single user to understand that, but I definitely encourage double checking that before you send. I do see that as of the latest firmware the Trezor screen itself does display a confirmation correctly. Going to close the corresponding issue on GitHub. Thanks!


OK, so I guess this is stable to transfer maid from paperwallets now…
Is working? I’m trying to create an account to import my paperwallet (and later on send it to the trezor address), and it says “server error”. Also checking the balance does not work (stays in “loading” for ever).
A couple of times I couldn’t even open the website, so I guess the hosting must be having problems and will try later on, but would be nice if someone could confirm.

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Are u using chrome?
It dislikes some browsers.

Chrome is reccomended @raulillo
Loads well to the landing screen on my phone.

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I got my Trezor wallet yesterday and tested it. Works stably with MAID. I’ll post a guide these days soon…


Even with Chrome, is not stable. I get 502 http errors from time to time when logging in. I did manage to log in into my wallet (not so important as it’s empty and my maids are in a paperwallet), but checking the balance of the paperwallet stays in loading. Is it working for you guys?
I don’t dare import the private key if it’s so unstable right now…

I so want a hardware wallet, but the stories of people being sold them with them already being compromised scares me away.

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To be honest, I’ve not moved coins for a long time with omniwallet, used to be buggy for me also, having to log out then back in to complete the transfer, but it always worked in the end.

Good luck!


Yes, buggy as hell. Can anyone check any maid address with the balance check tool and see if it works? I did import my wallet with the private key, but shows as empty.

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There seems to be a problem right now, because even for me the balance check doesn’t load …

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If you buy directly from the manufacturer I don’t think it’s a problem. They come sealed with holographic bands. They also have no pre-installed firmware ie. completely empty with no generated addresses in them …


OK, glad to see it’s not only me then. I did send an email to their support and they opened a ticket. Hopefully will be fixed somewhen.
Thanks for confirmation, it was a relief. Let’s wait.


you can use to check your balance


OK, I can see my maid there (and the little bit of BTC needed for the transfer). Another big relief.
As said, let’s wait for omniwallet to fix their end…


Or take control yourself and run Omni Core

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Any documentation about it? I did download the tool (apparently from and I can execute the binary in my OS. There’s no mention to MAID at all and I don’t find how to import a private key…

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OK, they fixed it. Already sent my MAID to my trezor, let’s wait for transaction to go through…
Thanks everyone!

Edit: After a bit of fighting to get in the trezor address at least 8000 satoshis, I can see the maids in my trezor account. Great job, and thanks again!