I’m talking about the individuals that are in the Bitcoin space, which could also equally apply to the Tor space or any other group that is seeking decentralization, privacy, anonymity etc…
Futurists, Transhumanists, AI advocats, etc, etc …do they seek the same outcomes? They seem to me to be talking to the 1%…and want to define the next Status quo
Dont get me wrong, certain blockchain leaders are very obviously in the same camp…and indeed the blockchain is possibly an ideal way to deliver the next staus quo…for the objectives of all these above mentioned groups.
People are important, not the platform…I have expressed my opinion on the possible outcome with a blockchain/ triple entry accounting world here before and they’re not glowing, because they concentrate on the tyrannical possibilities…nothing to do with anonymity (and all the bad stuff)…because there is none in the blockchain…no matter what these ‘Dark’ devs declare.
What I am suggesting here, is that the Bitcoin phenomenon, has brought into the fold a variety of talented people that otherwise may have been heading down a different fork in the technology road.
These talented people (with some digestible SAFE education, like the Montreal SafePod is providing) could quite readily convert into building out the SAFE network, instead of their existent projects. These are the people I would be keen to see come over.
ProjectSAFE, right now without the Bitcoin phenomenon…a much harder sell to the talent.
ProjectSAFE, right now without the NSA…a much harder sell to the uninformed masses.
I’d reckon ProjectSAFE has had a couple of free kicks, it would have been a lot less savvy talent and a complacent Public.
Apologies for the bold, but many points to convey from my side.