This guy …lol
[quote=“chrisfostertv, post:19, topic:2582”]
I’m talking about the individuals that are in the Bitcoin space, which could also equally apply to the Tor space or any other group that is seeking decentralization, privacy, anonymity etc… [/QUOTE]
The Bitcoin space knows about SAFE Network already. They don’t make up the vast majority of Internet users so why target them?
[quote=“chrisfostertv, post:19, topic:2582”]
Futurists, Transhumanists, AI advocats, etc, etc …do they seek the same outcomes? They seem to me to be talking to the 1%…and want to define the next Status quo [/QUOTE]
The 1% will be among the early adopters of SAFE Network if you market to the 1%. I don’t see why you should be politically oriented in your marketing. Either SAFE Network is a benefit to anyone or you wont be able to make a case for why it ought to exist. Transhumanism is marketed to the 1% because life extension and other similar technologies cost a lot of money but that doesn’t mean only the 1% would like to live longer.
The problem is not every person is in the same community or has the same politics. I would say it’s best to focus on being a technologist instead of a politician with something like SAFE Network. You’ll never have a hope in changing people politically but you can make SAFE Network useful to the vast majority of people.
[quote=“chrisfostertv, post:19, topic:2582”]
I have expressed my opinion on the possible outcome with a blockchain/ triple entry accounting world here before and they’re not glowing, because they concentrate on the tyrannical possibilities…nothing to do with anonymity (and all the bad stuff)…because there is none in the blockchain…no matter what these ‘Dark’ devs declare. [/QUOTE]
If you want to promote your solution you have to show how insecure the current ways of doing things are. If there isn’t a problem why would anyone switch to SAFE Network? Show the problem before revealing the solution.
[quote=“chrisfostertv, post:19, topic:2582”]
What I am suggesting here, is that the Bitcoin phenomenon, has brought into the fold a variety of talented people that otherwise may have been heading down a different fork in the technology road.[/QUOTE]
This is true which is why we are all here. But I was also paying attention to technologies like Freenet before there was even the idea of a SAFE Network so I’ve always been here. I might not be the best person to represent my demographic but you want people who might not care for Bitcoin or Freenet to take a second or third look at SAFE Network. The sort of people who want to connect all their appliances to the Internet for example or people who are tired of their health records being hacked.
If ProjectSAFE cannot sell on it’s own merit then perhaps it shouldn’t exist? If it cannot convince people that it needs to exist badly enough that people demand for solutions like it then why should it exist? It’s not up to Bitcoiners to make or break SAFE Network and I don’t see any reason why Bitcoiners should be central to the success of SAFE Network more than anybody else who cares about the future of tech.
I understand what you’re trying to say but I don’t think something important like SAFE Network can be successful if it markets itself as a tool of political activists. If you market it like that then thats the sort of people you’ll attract early on and those sorts of people scare away everyone who isn’t like them.
Activists are fine to have but you have to market to everyone. Notice that Bitcoin is 90% men, probably 90% white, and mostly people of a similar political and professional demographic.
So Bitcoin has completely failed in marketing. I’ve seen PC games with better marketing campaigns and more success.
Plenty of people have been wanting a decentralized Internet for decades. A serverless Internet has been a goal for a long time. Market it that way without any politics and highlight all of the long term security benefits of having that. Highlight how it will reduce a lot of the high profile hacks, how children will be safer in a lot of ways from hackers provided that SAFE Network is designed right. Show glimpses into the future to highlight the sort of possible apps which can make children safer and market that.
If people cannot communicate those possible apps which can make children safer then you will not be able to offer SAFE Network as a solution.
Were clearly on the opposite side of the Mobius…fair enough…peace.
The Bitcoin community will come to MaidSafe regardless, even without marketing to them. None of them wants to miss the next big thing, so once MaidSafe is up and running they’ll flock to it.
This conversation has developed to be around what should or shouldn’t be focussed on in any marketing campaign it seems. The network is obviously Apolitical, its users diverse and with many varying value judgements involved.
For this reason the marketing cannot be focussed around any particular political viewpoint, nor can it be overtly political. The only things we should focus on overtly are Privacy, Security and Freedom. I don’t think this is too restrictive though and we can appeal to different groups in more subtle ways with appropriate advertising using hard hitting images/messages that those who would benefit from Safe would immediately “get”.
If we use Coca- Cola as an example say, the advertising would be around all the “Good things”, they don’t include the “Bad things” such as tooth decay etc. We don’t mention “Dark web” stuff in any marketing.
This is not to say we should throw ethics out with the “value judgements” bath water, as I believe there are basic Humanitarian principles we can maybe all agree to adhere to when considering which Media outlets/Companies etc to work alongside or use – purely because it vicariously reflects on the reputation of Maidsafe. I’m thinking along the lines of just abiding by generally accepted concepts of Equality and Human Rights. Just my thoughts.
Activists don’t have to be marketed to because they are activists. People who aren’t activists have to be marketed to because they aren’t activists. These are two totally different mindsets and if you could win people over politically why don’t you just start a political party and elect people into power?
But if you know you cannot win that game why bother marketing to a demographic which is a minority of the global population?
You need to build the barn before the farmers (users) can utilize it.
Great stuff needs to be built in order to attract users…I’m talking from the builders side of the mobius, you appear to be on the user side…so the same journey, looked at from different sides in my opinion.