The Roadmap to Launch (and a glimpse beyond)

That’s why tests are needed - to be sure that project is ready.
If it is not mature enough, I doubt it needs release (beta or not).

But that’s only my opinion, of course.


The discord is an audio chat (not possible here), but questions can be asked and answered here too. It’s better for the deeper more technical ones for sure, and the follow up discussion.

The first beta will be the same format as the alphas. The reason we are calling it closed (not quite the right term) is that without more UX support the early ones will be tricker for the general public to dive in to, so it’ll be really the forum OGs here that will be taking the strain.


Ahh this is good news, confusing about then. I saw talk in discord about invites.


Oh, that is fine.
I was thinking closed means something like “fill the form and wait several months untill we reject your request”.


Limited would have been better, but then we didn’t want it to seem like the features were limited etc.


I think having GUI can be classified as feature.
But this feature is not limited, just not implemented yet.

Anyway it’s a property of the product (with its state between alpha and beta maybe), not of the tests.


Maybe low UI beta. And later say need to be in the forum to see the details


Or could say Beta (UI excluded).

Perhaps “Developer-Friendly” Beta or “Technical” Beta… Or even, “CLI-run” Beta… :thinking:


One vote for Technical Beta. For the other, maybe All Access Beta? I think Open Beta still works too.

Not trying to nitpick whatsoever. Just constructive criticism below.

There were some spelling errors that I noticed, if they need pointing out, let me know. Some of the phrasing seemed hard to follow on occasion.

It would be nice to have a PDF version as well, much like the primer, which also had a site.

Th contents of the Roadmap are absolutely fantastic and I get these are just minor details that probably aren’t worth the time but if someone could be delegated to do a final edit, might be worth it?


is it a technical beta or is it technical beta? LOL
couldn’t resist


Hmm. I think we should bump it up then. This network could get really big and be around for a long time. We don’t want to find out it’s not enough when we get to the other side of the universe. Also, it would be cool if we could sell space in this universe to other universes that have run out of storage space.


Fabulous work! From the roadmap, it looks like it’s really going to be heads down and pulling at 120%. So hard yards ahead, but it’s very good to finally have timetables and deadlines even if they aren’t met; as they set a pace for the company and get’s everyone much more coordinated time-wise.

IMO this marks a paradigm shift in the project from a technical exploratory organization to an official production company. Love it!

Nice. Safe Colony Network Token :wink: I still like my Saint Irvine Network Token, but for global branding, maybe too inwardly focused. :slight_smile: :laughing:

Not sure they’ve really had much call to attempt any major ones until now.

I think it’s okay for slippage here and there. But keep in mind that we’ve got Bux now leading the charge and she’s quite different from David --who has much more of an engineer’s mindset than typical CEO’s.

Interesting thought, could be? Might be a way to step around legal ‘publisher’ versus ‘provider’ status. But there are other ways around this too.

That’s very good. Being able to convey to the layperson is important and all the noobs who are coming in soon aren’t going to understand the 18 years of development like those of us who’ve been around and seen the difficulties involved in building the ‘impossible’ network.


Congrats Maidsafe, and now LFG!

Oh about the token name(always fun),
If you combine Safe Network Cash, you get…


Which seems to be a very nice Scottish word :grin:
(and it sounds good)


Allright. So how to become your “Key Project Partner”?


The roadmap presentation is pleasant, but not really a resource, as one has to scroll through it (actually mouse wheel, no elevator) to try to find what they are looking for. While the presentation has some features not easily implemented in a flat presentation, it would be nice to have a PDF version available that can be downloaded without having to play the mouse wheel game every time one wants to review something. Or did I miss something.
Just a thought from an old school geezer.


This may help:


Thanks for the quick summary of key events soon to come. I found that one can use the page-up page-down keys instead of the mouse wheel. Auto repeat moves very quickly. The old machine-gun key press technique helps. I know you always seem willing to help out on this forum. It is appreciated. I still have some serious concerns about how well this network will work out based on some of the strategies chosen. David certainly has a great vision and expertise and the project, in general is great. I have tried expressing concerns before. The first response always appears to be shoot it down, not a request for a more thorough presentation for consideration. So I just shut up. Everyone has their own ideas, so it probably gets overwhelming.
Thanks again.


First convince the team ( and us community Old Gits) that you have something they would want to partner with…


Oh pardon, I’m a proud Regular and nothing will change it! :slight_smile:

Be my guest! (4.6 MB)