The Price of Safecoin & The Economics Behind It

OK I admit it you are right, there is no way we should launch without having a fleet of trans Atlantic solar panelled balloons in place first. I also fully take on board your parental control worries and agree we should implement a back door system in case anybody gets kidnapped, so the police and NSA can have access to everybody’s information. Furthermore you’ve convinced me of the efficacy of accepting electricity, energy and my arse as resources.

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Now you’re just trolling.

Since you’re not interested in having an honest discussion I will accept that and move on.

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Maybe you should check out skycoin: [SKY] Skycoin Launch Announcement

Skycoin Meshnet Project:

  • Uses Skycoin Darknet protocol over wifi mesh network
  • Uses receive Skycoin for providing transit
  • bridge the “last mile” between homes and fiber with a distributed wireless mesh networks and community ISPs.
  • SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and the Comcast/Time Warner merger have made it clear that political solutions are no longer viable.

They have been in development for a while now.

Obviously the only way to purchase more bandwidth is through your isp. I think we should stick to putting one foot after the other, knowing the end goal is to get rid of isp’s.


Until it became clear that LiFi, software radios, balloons and drone could provide an alternative I reached a point where I couldn’t sleep or shit. I was clamped at both ends literally. One foot after another and concern for bloat is merited of course but the network needs to be able to add worthy features as fast as possible. It has to be built for that and as David Irvine suggests in short order not much of the original MaidSafe code may be left.

One thing that might reduce indigestion is the realization that it might all come down to attention. And that’s the one thing we really need to track or compute costs with. Even content is generally just past communication so that even communication will reduce to attention. What is the value of the minimum fraction of conscious attention? We can try to peg it to things like total economic output but its more basic than matter/space/energy/time/information/causal notions… Instead of maximal information density being equated with the surface of a black hole, there might be similar fascinating abstractions like max attentional density which might yield units to measure with or another way to distribute SafeCoin. But the point, with some protections, where Safecoin is distributed based on what people pay attention seems pretty solid. But what is a bit, or communicated bit, or watt worth in terms of SafeCoin- if those could be converted into attentional units it might help.

Its interesting that if you look at stuff like NLP our physiology seems set up to involuntarily communicate or at least signal attention. Our eyes could have been solid colored, or compound. We might have lacked the sense of being stared at. Its by the use of our attention that we either sink or ascend.

Luckybit has to be right about piggybacking on the cable/telecom ISPs. As as we might want them to disgorge what they have taken, they will start with: theft of bandwidth is a crime and the terrorist are stealing bandwidth. Their model is paid to censor and misinform and any exception will viewed as a threat to the full system and a denial of total victory and denial of the goal of making sponsorship and patronage totally safe. They really aren’t rocked back on their heals as they think they are about to cash in and take over the internet. Idiotic promises have been made to them otherwise Verizon wouldn’t be mailing its customers: your 2 year contract is up and upgrade now because we been authorized to hugely increase your rates. Ask yourself what they promised to deliver in order to feel comfortable with that level of outright middle finger to the public. Naturally its whatever SOPA/PIPA/CISPA/TPP promised in terms of getting rid of Snowden/Assange/OWS etc. Its about to get real.

So if I’m the hostile ISP I could throttle down the connection speed of anyone using SAFE Network.

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The safe network is never going to (nor should) reject economies of scale. Specialist data providers are key to the network scaling up. If it fails to do so, it will only ever serve a niche who are interested in data privacy.

That said, hybrid client server machines do have an advantage - earning Safecoin is just a bonus for such machines. Any money learnt from hosting will be better than none. So, why not store and serve data with spare capacity? IMO, this is why there will be a strong pull to decentralise and it will keep specialist hosting companies on their toes.


Please stop doing that, David or @dirvine is fine.

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:smile: relevant


Watts is a favorite. I like Tragedy and Hope as well.

i think i have listened to all his lectures haha.


And that would be a lot and time well spent.

Dude the SAFE network is TOTALLY NOT JUST FOR DROPBOX KIND STUFF, k? :slight_smile:

Haven’t you heard of all these projects being discussed?!:
-SAFE browser
-global voting platform

It’s a whole INTERNET!!

It’s like a total reworking of the World Wide Web except everything is split up, decentralized and encrypted! Instead of held together in big company’s servers!


Realistically, the dropbox service is what’s going to get the safe network attention. It’s a simple idea, and assuming its cost-effective it will take off.

A YouTube clone could get attention. A Facebook clone has everything going against it. I don’t really see, at first glance, anything missing from Facebook in terms of social networking features. The vast majority don’t care about security, and Facebook requires a vast majority for it’s user base for it to function.

Global voting still has yet to be realized. i.e., nothing is stopping me from make a million accounts. Or even just 3 or 4 valid accounts.

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“The terms “business” and “profit” make me nervous because they might point in the direction of people becoming data centers.”

I was thinking of creating a separate topic for just this, but then read your comment. It’s probably too early to answer this, but it’s worth asking, if MaidSafe seeks to upend the current server-client Internet model, and create an automated mesh network on thousands [/millions] of personal computers – Can MaidSafe distinguish between a home PC, and an enterprise server?

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No, it cannot and it’s not its job to do that.

You already have the government that does the job of discriminating between users when it charges the latter more for all utilities than the former.

A youtube clone where someone makes a web crawler which gets every little bit of media it can get its hands on and shares/streams permanently will be huge. Dropbox for sure too. A social network on maidsafe will probably get attention over time as and when inevitable security problems arise due to the centralised nature of facebook’s servers, and it may also be interesting to think of security of social networks from the perspective of a someone living in a repressive/oppressive regime. The network is also pretty ideally structured for the implementation of a silk road-esque e-commerce platform.

Ultimately the incentives in place throughout the network will give rise to a huge ecosystem of decentralised apps which at this moment are impossible to predict beyond a certain point, which is what ultimately makes this whole project so exiting :slight_smile:

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That will be interesting to watch… Content owners won’t be pleased, but since the crawler owner won’t be readily identifiable, content owners will probably have to pay bounties to ID them and so on.

I think the penny may have dropped for me on this. If you follow the Martin Armstrong Economic Confidence Model (Public/Private), you would know we have entered the Private wave.

With zero interest rates, that are now morphing into negative rates (i.e paying a bank to hold your money) world capital is looking for places to park and earn a return. This includes the big pension funds who require 5% return to stay solvent.

Now we find out that Central Banks and even governments themselves are playing the stock and futures markets, to gain returns. It should follow that when capital is seeking safe havens a game changing network that can be invested in via it’s currency would become attractive and could really drive investment in the SAFE infrastructure.

The NSA revelations has the industry reeling right now, confidence and trust broken down and a vacuum opened up for a paradigm change. So this in combination with the Private wave could see capital flood into SAFE.

It’s ironic that Armstrong sees the potential for Scotland (home of Adam Smith) to be a safe haven for capital if independent…and given SAFE is born from Scottish minds…deep.

I’m selling SAFEcoin in 2032 :slight_smile:

Article: Low to Negative Interest Rates Force Investment in Private Assets – the Cycle Inversion


I’ve read all the posts on this subject and I like that of chrisfostertv 10h 1 the best. My view of the price of Safecoin and the economics behind it incorporates issues seemingly yet to be discussed and I’d appreciate reading some views please.
Firstly we all agree that part of our respective participation involves some giving and some taking and I’d expect that to involve CPU storage, bandwidth and online time. Some will give more than others but somehow it will all work out so assuming we have a critical mass uptake we’ll have a total resource of immense power. The value of income and expense for this will roughly equate to the market price of the facility. All in all not a very large capital base on its own.
Secondly I understand that anyone can buy Safecoin either at the crowdsale or thereafter; presumably in fiat or alternative currencies. That will involve exchanges. Is it intended that MaidSafe run those exchanges or are they to be allowed to come into operation under private management? There are risks and costs involved here that need to be assessed.
Thirdly I anticipate that Safecoin or a parallel currency will be required for use as a medium of exchange, a store of value and a unit of account. Hopefully we’ll not fall for the trap to which BitCoin, fiat currencies and commodities are now exposed. i. e. of market makers, speculators and trades involving derivatives.

Now if all the above is as MaidSafe intends or deems appropriate then there are many other related issues to be catered for. Such as the ability to exchange, store and invest currencies, gold and whatever else is deemed negotiable tender etc.
I have given these issues considerable thought and research over the past few years and I’ll share them in this forum but it’s late and I’m tired, so I’ll pick this up again later tomorrow or Friday but meanwhile I’d appreciate some thoughts please.