The Economics of Safecoin (presentation)

@joelfinn @chrisfostertv @dallyshalla @al_kafir and others.

Just want to say I find your ideas and aspirations around protecting and helping the poorest people in the world touching and exciting. I’d love us to find ways of making this a part of SAFE Network, either through the core, or things built on top of it.

After the insightful economics thread @chrisfostertv started
Safecoin and ‘The Real Bills Doctrine’ of Adam Smith I’m wondering if one of the most effective ways is to help people bypass the current economic systems and provide alternatives, akin to a credit based economy as exemplified by Real Bills.

The radio programme I posted on that thread: The Classical Period (15 mins long), revealed to me two key misunderstandings I had about money. It seems it was not necessary for trade! Who knew?! And was introduced only to project power, to incentivise & coerce populations to supply armies based in their viscinity with food and resources. Money, ie coinage, was introduced for this specific purpose (while global trade had flourished for thousands of years without it). The introduction of coinage, while ingenious, enabled ever greater wars, and had drastic consequences for societies which no longer addressed inequalities through debt forgiveness, and ever since have been subject to periodic, catastrophic economic collapses instead.

I’m wondering what we can learn from these insights and how SAFE can contribute to something that frees us from this dangerous and unstable monetary system.