Ok what has always aggrivated me about our society is we really don’t support parents. There’s a moderate amount of support for children but no real support for parents. And so I’m thinking let’s make an app for that. Let’s make an app that supports families; that supports children, parents, the whole family.
So here are my brainstormed ideas so far, add more as you are inspired.
Anonymous, privately declared or publically declared crowedfunding to families, in whole or in part (ie you can donate to just children, just parents, just single parents or couples, base it on gender, disabled, poor, based on geographic location, age, whatever your criteria are. You can donate individually or as a group.).
Anonymous and/or confidential counseling for parents and children. This can be for health (both physical, mental and spirital), this can be various parenting methods, abuse, grief counseling, bullying, interpersonal relationships, things you just cannot talk to your parents or kids about, etc etc. Professional mental health care workers could be crowdfunded should one want to take that route or one could work with non professionals (there are those that just simply do not trust those in the medical establishment). The point here is to a) be honest with people and b) give them options. c) give them information. d) Keep them from feeling isolated, let them know there is help out there.
Information resources. Many of these could be links to public files but could be filtered based on the parent or child’s belief system or situation. How do you change a diaper? My teenager is rebelling, HELP! I’m a single Dad and my daughter just hit her period and now I have to buy her tampons… which one do I choose? How do I best get puke stains out of my carpet? Omg I love my kids so much how do I face the inevitablity that they’ll eventuallly grow up and get lives of their own? You know shit like that. Parenting manuals. Then more books for kids and how to help them get through life. The resource section. How best to breastfeed, orgasmic waterbirthing, attatchment parenting, nutrition guides, all that lovely stuff would be in there.
Peer to peer babysitting service. Like you’d place an ad for babysitting and search the netwrok for a sitter and could pay them in cash or safecoin. Or here’s a thought have others who support parents donate to a fund, or specifically to your account, to pay for babysitters for you via safecoin. Same could be done for daycare. Note: Personally I’m an advocate of attatchment parenting and actually taking care of your kids yourself but I recognize that parents need options and support since not everyone uses the same style of parenting.
Used Supplied fund. People could network and share between families old toys, books, clothes, and other supplies that they might not be using that could be used by other families. Hopefully this could be done on the local level but it’s not inconceivable that trades and donations could be shipped long distance.
(I’m going to post now because firefox has already crashed once and this post is getting rather long. Thank god for maidsafe autosave.)
Reputation/attraction system for babysitters, parenting stratagies, counselors, trades (people you trade with), various media, etc etc. This could be specific to the app or use the safe networks default reputation system or both.
Coordination between parents for various activities, carpools and get togethers. Also could be used for emergencies in conjuction with the community at large for situations for say a lost child. An alert could be given out with information to look for said child, a database could be developed for this purpose in fact, and the community could keep watch for them. As for the carpooling idea while parents carpool within a local community people also travel from city to city. (That idea could aslo be split into a project of it’s own where people network and hitchhike from town to town with one another. Again reputation is earned via reliability and behavior.)