It’s really hard to look at specific questions like this without considering the bigger context and how truly decentralizing privacy, security and freedom of communication will affect the whole picture.
Communication and financial systems, etc., are used in proliferating child porn and other socially degrading, horrific practices. That’s true.
We have to start by considering what centralized financial control means in terms of allowing proliferation and protection of deep seated corruption. Drug, human trafficking, child exploitation, etc., are PROTECTED and FOSTERED within such a system. Unlimited financial control allows for deep, multi-faceted corruption. Once you see this, the whole picture looks different, if you have what it takes to look deeper.
Bitcoin is the beginning of the challenge to this situation, but it is, by itself, too dependent on centralized factors to not be co-opted to keep serving the “dark side” as well or better than the good.
The scope of what the Safe Network can bring to the table changes the overall context in a much bigger way. Will bad people have even more secure communications and financial transaction avenues? Yes.
Will a small cabal of such be able to maintain control of national and social narratives? Not so much. That’s breaking down even within the centralized social media/news structure as it exists today, though the central control is attempting to reassert itself.
When control of communication and financial interaction becomes truly granular, while also being global, morals and ethics also become granular. Individuals, then, come face-to-face, more and more with the choices between “good” and “evil”.
How will the individuals choose? We’ll see.
As to support of local police? I think the breaking of vast centralized control will require and lead to restructuring of relationships on both local and global levels. Nations will not go away, but they will take their place in the hierarchy as being functional only as a building up from the individual, rather than pushing down to the individual.
So it’s not a matter of just supporting your local police, but ensuring that you are part of their effort and that they support you and your ideals.
So, should MaidSafe engage in a preemptive campaign to support police against the bad guys? I’d say not. Let’s put the emphasis on the unquestionable value and individual desire of privacy, security and freedom, and point out that with those, we can together build a much better world. And without them, we’re at the mercy of “whoever is in charge”.