Support for Snappy Ubuntu Core?

Hi, Snappy Ubuntu Core seems like the perfect OS to run a vault on a singleboard computer like the Odroid or the Raspberry, will we be able to run a vault on it?

My guess is that it will work if the vault can be run from the console with no dependency on any graphic library but is there any plan to officially support it?

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I don’t know how this compares with other Linux packaging schemes, but it looks very simple to support: developing Snappy Ubuntu apps

However, given the will be only a handful of Snappy MaidSafe users in the next few months, I don’t think it should be given a priority compared to distributions with thousands of users, so after the beta.

I agree it’s definitely nice to support, but until it’s a mass market product is really only for us geeks! Hopefully it will be mmss market soon though :slight_smile:


Good point and I agree, sounds like a fun project for us geeks.

Any idea if the vault will be able to run from a simple console app or if it will be wrapped into the Safe Apps Launcher? My guess, and hope, is that it will be a console app and any UI will just interface with it. This would make it easier to port.

It will definitely be able to run from the command line, so I’d be surprised if even I couldn’t get it going on Snappy.


Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s kinda a no brainer. I just can’t wait to start setting up everything and start the little machines.


Snappy can easily run Docker containers (core design choice, in fact), which would probably be the best place to start.

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