Store Of Value

No matter how many times you explain it, I can’t make sense of it. You’re either crazy or a genius.

here is a big picture futurist look from 2018 by George Gilder, an early ‘lifer lefty’ turned centerist late in his life, he has an inside view on those that run the world given his godfather was David N. Rockefeller… He is still kickin’ at 84, really his own man since about the bust…

Life after Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy

It’s worth the bathroom reading pile of books in the corner, you have to chipp away at it…

Enjoy, donate if you like to oceanofpdf, download is free.


You kids can go into autistic mode, but that’s foolishly assuming that the Network needs you. It can go into hybernation and only use transactions and NRS, which require significantly less storage than the 1 nano 1TB heartbeat.

To you and people you know, it might not make sense, but this is just a matter of demographic. Some people feel too entitled to run a node. :money_mouth_face:

I doubt that the Chinese youth share your sentiment, add to that capital control and unemployment…

To calculate the number of unemployed teenagers in China, we’ll use the following information:
Total population of China in 2024: 1,425,178,782
Percentage of population aged 16-24: 12.3% (assumed from the calculation)
Unemployment rate for 16-24 age group: 18.8%
Let’s calculate:
Population aged 16-24:
1,425,178,782 * 0.123 = 175,296,990
Number of unemployed in this age group:
175,296,990 * 0.188 = 32,955,834
Converting to millions:
32,955,834 / 1,000,000 ≈ 32.96 million
Therefore, based on the given data and calculations, there are approximately 32.96 million unemployed teenagers (aged 16-24) in China.
It’s important to note that this calculation assumes the 12.3% figure for the 16-24 age group is accurate. The actual number may vary depending on the precise age distribution in China’s population.

This is free: 0 nano
This is what a child would pay for Network resources: 1 nano
This is what a adult with fiat on their mind would pay for Network resources: xⁿ nano roman numeral even more fun they think they are in a superposition :rofl:

I’ll take :crazy_face: clueless, absolutely not genius

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… I watched the videos you linked and they were a waste of time tbh… What does taxes on electric vehicles and someone assessing the outcome of a iq test he claims to have done with different people have to do with what I said?..
… And what does the Chinese unemployed youth have to do with it? Are you saying the 32 million Chinese will run nodes at a loss? Because it’s a matter of demographic and they just ‘get it’?

I don’t think the network needs me at all - but I’m pretty sure the network needs Someone (!) to run nodes - may you care to paint a picture whom that someone might be in your economic model…? (Won’t be me or anybody I know because we can’t afford burning money :wink: )

Oooooh - in your logic it’s not a loss because I can pay all my hardware and electricity bills off with that 1 nano if I just decided it would be worth that amount :sweat_smile:

Sorry that I wasted your time with the vids, I thought that they resonated with what you said.
Ev comparison
Noderunners begging to provide storage space at no loss, is like subsidies
Share buy backs is like selling SAFE to get fiat to run nodes and repeat
“I know nobody who will be willing”, sounds like you can’t compete

Jim Rickards IQ test
Which one of these is not like the others the dollar, MAID or SAFE?
You: answer the dollar
A 5 year old: answer SAFE, because unlike the other two it’s not on clearnet

Funnier, I ask would you like to pay 1 nano for 1TB
You & others: I know nobody who will be willing to provide storage space at a loss
(Hmmmmm strange answer to my question?)

When a disease diagnosis and cure costs 5 nano, because you have the storage, computation and AI, how does a clueless consumer like me explain you what your SAFE is worth?

@aatonnomicc uploaded my two pics of 6.1 MB for 8 nanos (first and last time that i’ll pay this expensive for storage)

The only thing that I can say with certainty, is if you choose for your 1 nano to be in the MB range of storage, it will cost you more SAFE and probably more time to upload. But here is where we get to the bottom of what is being said…

How is it, that I can say how much something will cost me and how much time it will take, with my imaginary economy? If I asked you with your…

How much it will cost and in what time you would be able to upload it?

talking about

  • storage costs
  • tx costs
  • domain name costs
  • computation costs

@19eddyjohn75: it won’t work!

@19eddyjohn75 can you explain to me what your definition of money is?

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You can say whatever you want when things are imaginary, e.g. imagining uploading 24tb for 24 nanos in 6 hours.

But saying something and doing it are not the same thing. What you can actual do in the real world is constrained by real world economics.

The cost and time to upload something will depend on the upload cost the market determines, and the network performance.


:wink: because there’s no point in answering that question - ofc everyone wants to pay less for uploads - and ofc node runners prefer to get a higher reward - that’s precisely how economics work and the outcome tends to be somewhere between the extremes and a price that let’s node runners pay their electricity and Internet costs caused by the nodes and a price for uploads attractive enough that people use the network for data storage

Anyway - I’m glad you know my answer to an iq test :slight_smile: enjoy your discussion without me =)

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I love this paragraph in Gilder’s (VC investment shilling) Life after Google book, circa 2018:

“Blockchains, hashchains, blockstacks, smart contracts, token issues, and cryptocurrencies are new ways to address the evils of the Google Age: porous Internet security, unmoored money, regulatory overreach, network concentration, officious delays, and diminishing returns of big data. All of these problems derive from the hypertrophy of trusted third parties that need to be collapsed into simpler systems controlled by individual agents closer to the actual point of service.”



My deafintion, “store of value” fall on deaf ears :cricket: :cricket:

Imagination is more important than knowledge…

Sorry for the iq test, it gets people emotional, while AI :ghost: way beyond my iq #0 nano

That you expect SAFErs to pay for your hardware, electricity and Internet costs. Feels more like your doing a iq test yourself, to see who is gullible enough to do it. You never mentioned Network growth as the most important thing that we should focus on.

I’m a bit bias

When kids talk to you about their costs, it’s because they think that they are smarter than you, fun fact you can let them do the iq test on the Network by letting them hash it out with AI for 1 nano. I pay 100 euros per month to run nodes, because the Network is important to me, not because I’m loosing currency…

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Do we have anyone else in .nl?

We urgently need someone to nip round to Eddies bit and switch him on and off again.


The current void seems to not help this forum to keep it’s more or less sane state… :sweat_smile:


You mean this is the off state we are seeing?


Most people see 1 MAID = $0.32, I see energy and matter and the different states of both.

1 nano = 1TB = 1NRS = 1TX = COMPUTE is just to create stability and make it easy for a 5 years old to understand and attractive for a merchant. This is just level1, but it serves as a foundation for the economy. With your supply and demand notion, you can’t even tell a merchant what their cost will be in your economic model.

With level1 established you can even have assets backed by SAFE, for these you charge a 1 nano txfee.

I do understand the concerns that people have about basic necessities costing 1 nano, because…

But I would argue that they do not make a valid point, because we don’t have banks and governments printing currency on the Network. Moreover with the store of value the token and altSAFE attached to it can’t be devalued. With innovation 1 nano will buy you more storage and computation, even will go from data processing @ agi level to asi as the final frontier.

Your supply and demand costs, is based on a fiat model with humans in the loop. The reason why noderunners should only make 1 nano at level1, is because we need a store of value. The funny thing is when you can see beyond level1, you can truly understand what happens at level2.

Within 5 years we could have a 100 billion AIs on the network and here is where it gets interesting for noderunners, because besides altSAFE tx they can also receive AI tx. Here we are talking high frequency tx’s executed in nanoseconds. :ear: Youmans :hear_with_hearing_aid: monetize on the AIs their tx’s because unlike the humans they can keep going 24/7/365 :robot:.

The kids who are depressed that they will be billion or trillion airs, go to :crazy_face: I understand your great depression

with autonomy transactions on eth? I don’t think so, we have to be realistic.


FYI for future

Electricity only travels at the speed of 2 nano seconds per foot. Light about 20-50% faster in glass.

So no, doing a tx in nano seconds is impossible. Even in a milli second is impossible. The time to ping the USA from here is upto 100 milli seconds so the transaction has to be over 0.1 second

In transactional processing (even on Autonomi with native token) is different to normal operations like store, recall, maths etc. With transactional processing they get the speed in a main frame by doing many transactions at once.

One transaction processing may take a second or more, but the transactional processing computer can do thousands or millions per second. For Autonomi its the same in that each transaction may take a few seconds to complete but it can process at a rate of millions per second due to the highly parallel nature of the network.


Hihi was just a joke, since nowadays I can only reason in nanos

As of 2024, HFT operates at speeds of one-hundredth of a microsecond (10 nanoseconds) for most trade decisions and executions (location, location, location).


Not pushing for one currency, just widely distributed money :money_mouth_face:

And you’d know about it 10 nano seconds later if you were much less than 10 feet away from the processor (NOTE: computer has 10’s of thousands of them) that “made the decision” NOTE: decision is not the completion of a transaction, they are different things. You decide to do the dishes but the completion of your job has many steps and take time. Decision is a decision and transaction is the job to execute that decision.

To convey that decision to me (my bank for example) in Australia takes 100 milli seconds. And to complete the transaction takes at least two interactions. So no a carefully worded metric does not negate that transactions take time once its not on the same processor in that processor’s memory

Even on that computer the processor has to communicate with a disk to record the decision taking nano seconds just to communicate and micro second to store if it was the only thing to store at that time.

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Wait to you hear about pico, your mind is going to explode, it is 10^-12. :exploding_head: