Pay once store forever

Is already taking place with SAFE, a camp of those who only see the fiat price vs a camp of those who wonder how much resources they can get for their token. The latter is divided again in a group that pays whatever the algo serves up vs a group that will pay as little as possible.

I will only pay 1 nano for 1 TB of data upload, but that’s with a purpose. The Network got to compete with other storage providers. Before your 1 TB was idle and got you zilch, so be happy that I give you the closest thing to free. We all have a wish @ what rate we want to see the Network grow my rate 1 nano 1 TB. Some their rate might be 30K MAID 1 TB :smile:. @ some point the AWS, Azure and Google attack will become a reality and SAFERS might get :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: by cloud
providers who will be far more sophiscated with their AI’s than bankers who run their scheme on these cloud platforms. I rather pay them the above, than…

Those who are willing to pay 1 nano 1 chunk or what have you, will simply be loosing their marbles @ a quicker rate, yeah it will cost me time to wait before their played out, but I can farm their coins so all good. :kissing_heart:


That is an impossible rate.

At 1/2 MB per chunk you cannot pay for each chunk if you want 2,000,000 chunks to be 1 nano.

Sorry to say you will be waiting till you are no more. Nanos cannot be divided, so impossible to pay for uploading your 2 million chunks


On an impossible Network, that sounds like fun. As far as i’m concerned everything can be coded up. Moreover it’s the people who see things as impossible, that will truly be confronted with time. AI’s operate in simulation time, that’s something totally different from our real time.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to encourage another hodl culture, that’s why I advocate paying 1 nano for a GET. That way useful data that gets uploaded to the Network get a compensation. This is the real game, a lot of data getting uploaded to the Network.

We’ve been played enough by corporations who are even more powerful than govs…

Nevertheless thx 4 the realitycheck @neo, but evolution will decide what happens next.


Microsoft already tried this in the mid 1990’s, to get you to pay for accessing the internet’s data. And it failed miserably because as always there was ways to access the internet’s data without paying or joining their silly program. I like millions of other people who supported companies and individuals helped people to install alternative browsers to not need to access the internet through microsoft’s pay to use system

The same will happen to any network that shifts the burden of paying to the person accessing the data. People will just access it via free methods and not require downloading yet more applications to access it.

That network will just never get off the ground to even have the hope of “exclusive” data. And even then bittorrent will share that networks data for free.


Yes because that means the network goes live for real. If a new internet is not worth a lot of money then I eat my hat. If a new internet is worth less than somewhere between $15-3000 billion then the world is probably flat and the doomsday is near.


yes but people still need to know about the project and care about it. It’s clear marketing is not a priority until everything is together (a good thing). Conflating utility with price is a fallacy I see a lot in crypto communities; people act like we can inductively know that it will displace filecoin when this isn’t necessarily true.


It is early Beta but we need to hype it up as we get closer and closer to launch. Start mentioning Autonomi, show pictures compared to other solutions, the network growth and such. If all help out then we can reach a lot of people. And also, Bux is amazing and I am sure she is going to find ways to bring a lot of exposure and hype to Autonomi.


Plus: Autonomi may actually be something truly new and valuable, so hype may not be the right word here.
It’s more likely that we will continue to have trouble for a while making people understand the full value of it. Until it has taken over everything, the whole web, all crypto, and who knows what else.


It can be both, we can hype it up and it can also be all the things you mentioned. It does not have to be one or the other, it can be both.

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All the hype as long as it is not misrepresenting Autonomi, and where its going, and where it is at.

Any other hype will have long term bad problems. People HATE being lied to by false claims or way overstating where something is at

They end up feeling deceived and shun the project


It’s a value proposition to me. What is the “best” crypto platform - the one that is the most flexible for developers to build on, for people to use, the most resistant to attack, and the most scalable.

I don’t think we are going to be fast out the gate, but a lot of huge things can be built atop :ant: - more than any other platform as we are the most decentralized and scalable, so we will turtle our way to the top.


Well autonomi isn’t a crypto platform, so its winning there. Its a totally new concept for an internet

It has a digital token, not a blockchain crypto coin relying on ledgers to do everything. The token is actually a by product of needing to pay for resources. Like buying milk and other necessaries and money is the way to compensate the seller. And is not the central product of the project


For me, the economics of Autonomi is actually one of its biggest strengths.

I get why people are anxious about it, but I feel that is more of a human condition, than a genuine weakness.

To explain, people rarely understand the practical implications of the exponential function. They underestimate compound growth, inflation and interest for the same reasons. It is a blind side that our brains have to actively push back against.

There will always be more data. We cannot exist without creating new information, much of which we want to store. There will always be a need to store more data in more efficient ways. Wright’s Law has proven this over and over again with technology.

The bottom line is, as long as the network is efficient at storing data, the data will come. If it isn’t efficient enough, it will be where the focus will be to improve it.

The USP is data persistence forever, which can be freely retrieved. This shouldn’t be diluted at all costs. We should trust that data and technology will both grow and the mission of the network - and humanity - should be to support it.


For beta, we need it to be successful. We need to support the team and give them space to deliver in a way and a pace that leads to success.

A successful, fully functional, beta will bring its own hype. The impossible network made possible!

As soon as we start to write to the beta network and illustrate what we did on the test networks too, folks will be amazed! It’s an awesome technology and will truly sell itself relative to the competition. Ofc, we need to help the world to see it, but it won’t be a hard sell from my perspective at least! :grinning:


It is when looking at economics as the economics is based on the value of data and need for storing new data.

But looking at the whole project it purpose is not to produce a coin on a ledger and claim its to do something else. So while the economics is a strength its not the purpose of the network or its inception

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When the internet first began it was mostly used by universities. No one talked about the economics of it, but more about its utility.

Its utility proved to be of value.

Create pragmatic value first. Then watch the staggering effects of this, grow in economics.


We do want and need the network to be sustainable though. The economics are core to this. It cannot rely on charity and nor can it be too complex or uncompetitive relative to the established technology.

Pay once, store forever is straightforward and likely more convenient for users. That’s a great starting point.

We should also consider that public data really is just that - it is a public good, part of the collective data commons. Popular data shouldn’t be seen as a drag on the network, but instead its greatest achievement!

We have never had a data commons before, which makes this a revolutionary benefit for humanity. Let’s not under sell this!


But that may contradict

It relies on hopes that Moores law will do the job.

A network wide fee example 0.05-0.2% on every transacation would ensure sustainability for every level of growth.

It’s more Wright’s Law tbh, both in terms of software and hardware improving. I can’t see any sign of this diminishing and certainly no time soon.

If it ever does become a problem, solutions can be sought at that point. No point hobbling the network now, just in case technology ceases to evolve in the future.


We don’t need speculation, we need to believe and do our best to make Autonomi the biggest thing in crypto since Elon Musk bought Dodge coin.

No one knows the success we might have from the start, it is time to dream big and make the effort as a community to spread the word to as many as possible.

@Dimitar I propose that the community marketing fund goes to promote the network towards launch. To get as many people in crypto and tech to know that a new star is about to be born, on X, Facebook and the most used social platforms.

We have the best solution of almost any crypto tech, we should not be here just to participate, we should be here to win.

I have started to mention Autonomi more, latest on Swedens largest tech forum, going to continue on Youtube, Reddit and X. I am about to ask Chatgpt for strategy and such. Hope as many uf us as possible will join and spread the word.