The idea is that you pay 1 nano for 1 NRS, 1 nano for 1TB and 1 nano for 1Tx. That means that the price that you pay on the Network for these resources don’t change. In the 1TB case over time that can become 10TB, but you are still paying 1 nano for that. The 1 nano maintain it’s purchasing power relative to the resources you can get on the Network.
If you look outside the Network, like on clearnet and the blockchain space, you might see that DNS, storage and transactions cost more than if you would be on the Network.
Let’s say that I got Tether’s USDT and I make a transaction on the Ethereum network that costs $1. Well in stead of keeping my USDT on Ethereum I would move it over to the Network. The reason is simple that $1 transaction on Ethereum today is worth 2.508371690 MAID, that is 2508371690 nano. Now why would I spend 2508371690 nano when I can spend 1 nano to send my USDT?
The thing is because I’m moving my USDT from Ethereum to cut my costs, I will also ask the person that I’m sending my USDT to, to move over to the Network where my transaction is cheaper. In this scenario, you could have two people or AIs moving over to the Network with just 1 transaction.
What is important to keep in mind, is every transaction that happens outside the Network is related to what happens on the Network.
Let’s dig deeper, for this example you can check the cost on
@davidmc0 hit the jackpot and buys he pays € 2.273,33 the first year.
The second year he pays € 3.608,47 for, the third year etc he pays again. To simplify it let count his costs for the two years, he spend € 5881.8 on clearnet.
@ today’s price € 5881.8 is 16271664707102 nanos (for simplicity’s sake let’s say the price of MAID stays the same for 2 years). If he bought safe:// on the Network he would have paid just a one time 1 nano forever, he wouldn’t have to pay a renewal fee. So he spend 16271664707101 nano more or € 5881.8 more on clearnet compare to the Network.
You can imagine how many transactions happen per day, on clearnet or the blockchain. Some transactions are subscriptions and keep coming back each month/year etc.
You can spend $1 M on clearnet for a domain, by doing so, you gave someone else your $1 M just to be on clearnet. You can spend 1 nano on the Network on NRS and somebody buy that from you for 1 MAID. Eventually in life we will all make a choice where we would rather be.
I think the 1 nano payment for resources on the Network is a nice display of something that maintain it’s purchasing power. Let’s not forget that is one of the most important displays of money, with currency this will just keep going up in price.
I hope I explained it better now, so to recap the price of 1 nano is fixed for NRS, Tx and storage. Just like the Costco’s $5 rotisserie