Store costs

is it the data rate that’s increasing or the cost to store chunks that’s increasing?

here is the store costs for the last week from one of my boxes


I think it’s both. I don’t have graphs from my small number of nodes apart from through Vdash and I’m complicating the matter by switching off some nodes in the evening to watch TV but I am seeing the rate of nanos earned go up.

And the Storecost as well. And that’s just because the nodes are getting fuller.

Also nodes that had not earned in the first 20 or so days are now getting nanos. Of the 10 nodes I’ve had running for 33 days all now have earnings.


Possibly both. I have a bunch of old nodes and some younger. Both are earning more now and both have a spread of earnings and storecosts, mostly <20/chunk and a small number (5%) >100/chunk.

Interestingly, the newer bunch of 12 which I reset and reduced from 22 (in stages) because of load have been going 2 days with zero shunns. The older bunch of 50 which I have NOT reduced in number since before the update have been going for 2 weeks and have lots of shunns. And the one with most shunns (30) is also the highest earner in that older group. I should probably reduce them a bit but have decided to leave them for now.

Here’s the 12 after 2 days:

Here’s some of the 50 after two weeks:


think i just had a 4000 nano chunk :slight_smile:


Hurrah, it wasn’t me :smiley:

I’ve been coding for a few days and so have a war chest of nanos thanks to Darius. I may buy a super yacht.

Expect a network reset any day :man_facepalming:


iv been scraping nanos and tried an upload that did not get very far so i may have paid for it myself lol


Looks like lucky node 17 is hedging it’s bets :laughing: currently looking for Storage Cost (SC) of 18595 nanos :money_mouth_face:

2833 records on disk probably has an impact.

~/.local/share/safe/node/safenode17/record_store$ ls -l | wc -l

Just waiting patiently for the winning upload…


This is both the active and inactive records held.

The node does not delete any records until it has 4096 records and needs to delete one to store a new active chunk.

Active - records that the node is currently responsible for and use to calculate the store cost.

Inactive - records that the node was once responsible and maybe will be responsible for again if certain nodes leave

A store cost of 18595 looks like the node is responsible for around 1859 records and has lived long and maybe will prosper.

But of course a client has to choose it :wink: and by then other nodes close to the chunk being uploaded should be higher. Who knows though maybe they don’t respond quick enough and you win big time :tada: