Sia vs. Storj vs. MaidSAFE

Found this thread from the Sia discussions and thought some of the great people here may want to stop by on their forum and take a peek or clarify some of the points for the SAFE network…

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" MaidSAFE is a very ambitious project that goes beyond just decentralized storage. They also have a much softer focus on efficiency. Sia’s network should be both cheaper for uploaders AND pay its hosts more, due to smarter redundancy management."

Would love to know our response to we have a “much softer focus on efficiency”. Wouldn’t that burden remain with the farmer and not Maidsafe the company?


I find it funny they claim Sia will be cheaper AND pay hosts more when I don’t think the devs even know how the SAFE network will price storage at this point…seems like a lot of speculation presented as fact to me!


On sia I think you rent storage also rather than upload and leave forever along with all the other benefits.

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RADS, are in the mix now, They are shredding file just like the safe network…

I’ll say one thing, Sia’s SEO is fricken retched.

Hi guys, was reading on about Storjcoin X(SJCX) a while ago. Realised that, somewhat, it might be more or less the same things we have here on Maidsafe. Can anyone clear me up?

I’d recommend looking at this thread: Sia vs. Storj vs. MaidSAFE

… and this discussion that’s linked to from that thread:


we also have to talk about MegaNet , that will incorporate bitcoin and will be other free internet, we will see how it works, more info 20 of january

Ah I never heard this date, is it launch or is there alpha/beta trials first? Interested to see the tech if possible, I wish for no servers, but feel there still will be which would be a shame. However still be interested to take a peek.


Thanks for referring me here @DavidMc0 !

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20 January is the release of Megaupload 2.0 , Kim dotcom said that there will be details about the second fase of meganet, which is Bitcache, and the next step is Meganet

1. Megaupload 2.0

2. Bitcache

3. MegaNet

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) 5 de agosto de 2016

Bitcache details will be revealed on Jan20, 2017, at the launch of Megaupload 2.0

For embargoed early Media access email

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) 5 de agosto de 2016
anyway you can see all the tweets in his account.
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