(If you’re experiencing the same problems with this videoplayer as I do, you can go to Reddit - Dive into anything and click on the title of the post to go to the livestream website where you can have a better videoplayer. If anyone knows a better solution, please let me know)
(44 mins) This will be a presentation on various security and privacy considerations in mesh networks and community networks on a high level. It will touch on current lack of anonymity and security of users and data within community networks, the resulting potential for censorship and current efforts to provide solutions SPEAKER: Paige Peterson While working towards a BFA in Interrelated Media from Massachusetts College of Art, Paige developed an interest in programming and a fascination in the complexity of natural systems. After graduation, Paige worked for mesh networking startup, Open Garden which helped to map her interest in natural decentralized systems onto concepts within technology. She previously organized San Francisco’s bitcoin meetup and is fascinated by the freeing potential of cryptocurrencies. She currently fills various roles at MaidSafe with a focus on community and communication.