Good choice, guys. I don´t expect a change of the strapline, but it´s good to include all of those who are not entirely satisfied in the process.
Should have been limited to 1 suggestion per person that thread is going to the moon.
@betterthantrav has posted a suggestion of “Privacy Security Freedom”. I like this suggestion in substance, but prefer it punctuated as “Privacy. Security. Freedom.” Would it be okay for me to post this as a distinct suggestion?
Yeah I concur, I know I can stop myself!
I agree, though prefer semi colons for lists.
I would expect that if “Privacy Security Freedom” is used then any punctuated variation would be equally accepted.
I like semicolons as well, although I think for a strapline aimed at the general public they may be less appropriate. Additionally, with periods, each word is more clearly expressed as a statement.
Anyway, I realize it’s a nitpicky thing—but how would we decide which form of the slogan would appear in the actual voting process? (I admittedly do think the specific form would be important.)
I guess I’ll go ahead and post a separate suggestion of my own with the periods, but refer to (and “like”) @betterthantrav’s post, coupled with a brief explanation.
Stopping now and watching the football:)
Perhaps next year we will see our first editions of Norton, Kaspersky etc. Safety Suites.
hmmm on second thought probably not, its always been about SECURITY.
Don’t allow the acronym to misinterpret what is actually sought.
Safety at Work / Security online
"The Internet MaidSAFE - Reborn and Reimagined "
Here’s a hybridization of all of my favorite ideas so far.
This squelches the trolls who may focus on the fact that this technology does not in fact supplant the IP protocol suite, and therefore shouldn’t be straplined’The Internet Reborn’; it also notifies the potential user that we’re talking about an internet variant - that what we’re dealing with here are the fundamental parts of the internet, but with an interesting twist.
True on all of the above…but since it is already the SAFE Network - using “secure access for everyone” adds that special qualifier that complements the message.
The word “safe” doesn’t mean anything to me when talking about online access. Being “safe and secure” does conjure up all you describe.
So: “The SAFE Network. Secure Access For Everyone.”
MaidSAFE: Internet Evolved … I like that one quite a bit
Seasoned internet users/nerds, who will quickly and ultimately find out about Maidsafe through industry news or already know about it via high profile nerdpublications, do not need to be chased down and spoonfeed MAIDsafe, they will find out about it, buy into it and will love it.
The larger audience, aka the target market, has never heard of and has no idea what the “clearnet” is or what the term “unencrypted” means. They regularly associate the terms “your internet” or “secure connection” and “safe browsing” with either their service provider (ISP) or the website (https:bank , https:shopping, etc) they connect to.
There are some great suggestions here but some forum members are way too close to the project and cannot see the forest for the trees. They need to step back and see the (introduction/marketing ) Safenet from the perspective of a common user with limited technical knowledge but an interest in privacy and security.
A tagline/strapline cannot be ambiguous and it cannot mislead, intentionally or otherwise.
So do any of the ideas proffered beg the questions: is Maidsafe an ISP? Is the Safenet a service my ISP offers? Do I cancel my current service and subscribe to Safenet?
Putting something in bold doesn’t make it more true.
See my post in the thread that is for discussion: Five of the best company straplines and the stories behind them
- Tesco: ‘Every little helps’
- John Lewis: ‘Never knowingly undersold’
- L’Oréal: ‘Because you’re worth it’
- Nike: ‘Just do it’
- Marmite: ‘Love it or hate it’
Effective taglines, evidently are ambiguous. It’s more a matter of what sentiment do you want to be associated with; what simple thought that will make for easy recall when the time is right?
[quote=“Krekc, post:1, topic:10182”]
This topic is not to be used to discuss the strapline suggestions. The discussions on strapline suggestions can be continued in the SAFE Network strapline vote topic.[/quote]
and so I don’t fall foul of the same:
SAFE Network: Cometh the hour. The World needs Privacy; Security; and Freedom.
Greater than the sum of its parts.
If they are abstract, they are at a distance from reality and wide open to interpretation - inherently ambiguous. The principal element in three is “it” and the other two equally vague… that ambiguity allows them to garner a wider audience.
It’s like political statements - definite statements rarely attract as much support as ambiguous ones… which is a large part of why politics is in the state it is. Lazy politicians tending towards ambiguous soundbites and straplines.
Hell, Brexit is a prime example - it was entirely backed by soundbites and straplines without the lack of ambiguity that didn’t allow them to slip their way out of commitments. I suppose you will now suggest the leave campaign had strategy!
I think we should focus on the words for now. We could discuss the punctuation once we agree on a strapline If necessary, we could do another vote for the punctuation.
In the last poll, we wrote “Privacy, Security, Freedom”. If you prefer a strapline with the same words but different punctuation, I think you should still vote for “Privacy, Security, Freedom”. We could agree on a specific variation later. For example:
- Privacy, Security, Freedom
- Privacy. Security. Freedom.
- Privacy; Security; Freedom
- Privacy Security Freedom
- Privacy, Security and Freedom
Here are a few strapline suggestions that are close to 20 Likes:
- Secure Access For Everyone (15 Likes)
- Internet Evolved (13 Likes)
- Safe Access For Everyone (10 Likes)
- Share your drive (10 Likes)
- Privacy. Security. Freedom. (8 Likes)
Feel free to support a strapline (by liking the corresponding post) if you would like us to include it in the next poll
Internet Evolved. How is that the highest. I’m sure there are better ones. To say I’m surprised is an understatement. I hope people didn’t like it just because.
Internet Evolving or Evolve the internet as in Use SAFE and evolve the internet into a better world. Seemed better to me.
But seriously I saw some very good Straplines in that topic and I would urge people to scan through the topic and like all those you think could work. The ones @frabrunelle mentioned are the leaders at the moment but hey you might like others too.
Link to the topic SAFE Network strapline suggestions
EDIT: and “like” as many straplines as you want, ALL that you think are possibly suitable and like.
Internet Evolved? Really people? IE better known as internet explorer