You have to be kidding. Let’s wreck the entire timeline set forth…
So this Christmas or next?.
You have to be kidding. Let’s wreck the entire timeline set forth…
So this Christmas or next?.
Christmas 2018 equates to 2019 by any fair comparison but if being decisive and sticking to timelines are secondary I still do not get what SAFE Access For Everyone is?
Does it mean my kids are protected and SAFE from porn, beastiality and predators while using the network?
or is it simply SECURE?
Is it always SAFE Access For Everyone or is it always SECURE Access For EVERYONE?
The promise of SAFE Access is far more ambiguous than Secure and when little kids or less open minded folks find things on it that they were not meant to see “SAFE Access” is out of the window!
Edit: in addition.
When I read something false on the network, or when my mother sees a horse doing something peculiar or my kids left unattended find who knows what because I was assured that this network is SAFE for Everyone instead of SECURE you bet ill come a-knocking.
It’s your internet: Use it, don’t let it use you. Feel the freedom, break off your chains!
A few idea just to brainstorm.
SAFE - No third parties allowed.
SAFE - Out of reach data.
SAFE - A reckless disregard for authority.
SAFE - Data trekking.
SAFE - Data’s safe haven.
SAFE - 99’s cloud.
This is my favorite now.
SAFE - 99’s cloud. Pack your data and join us.
Voted the third option because Safe
in Safe Access For Everyone
resonates better with Safecoin
Rename ‘vault’ too: ‘Safevault’.
Don’t know about ‘SAFEcoin’ and ‘SAFEvault’ if we should end up with ‘SAFE Access For Everyone’
Edit: thinking about how most of you will perceive one or the other option:
If English is not your first or only language then safe is probably a better choice then secure
To me f.i. safe is regular idiom, secure takes a few ns to compute.
Even letting me pick up on either safe or a strong fireproof cabinet with a complex lock, used for the storage of valuables, no problem, we do that safe too.
But a vault, pause, ah, a large room or chamber used for storage, especially an underground one
To throw something back at you:
Safe: Toegang tot een veilig digitaal kluisje voor iedereen.
Sadly don’t have time to read all the above.
I’ve skimmed what I can and I’m pretty much for ‘other’, simply as the two options don’t feel that clear.
If I gave this to my mum, would she know why it was a good thing?
I think whilst the security angle is key, i also think ‘secure’ isn’t in and of itself clear. I’d opt for something like 'untrackable
and/or unhackable
… What are the benefits if I use this network? (I feel like the values are encompassed in the SAFE acronym).
I also agree with the sentiments above, as SAFE is already an acronym for what the network is, it’s better to add more meaning and clarification in a strapline.
Something along the lines of :
The strapline should offer people something that they don’t already have. Many people will perceive that “everyone” already has “secure” access to Facebook, or Google. Why should they feel drawn to yet another service that (as far as they may understand) offers nothing more?
“Privacy, Security, Freedom” answers the “Why” in a concise, positive way. It would be a missed opportunity to merely repeat the name of the network when the name by itself will convey little meaning to the uninitiated.
The word “safe” means very different things to different people. (And, as has been discussed in the past, a likely source of propaganda against the Network will be from people/groups who claim that the network has failed in preventing “unsafe” uses and behaviors.)
So, what does “safe” mean? “Privacy, Security, Freedom” defines that. It also establishes the core values of the Network in a way that can not so easily be mischaracterized and co-opted later (be it years or decades in the future). I think that this point is very important.
Although one could argue that the “vision” of the Network is already established as “Privacy, Security, Freedom”—where will most potential, or even actual, users of the Network be made explicitly aware of this vision if not through the strapline? What use to the public is the vision if they are not made aware of it?
I think it is important to define what “safe” is. Simply repeating the name, or referring to an undefined “access” does not do that. “Privacy, Security, Freedom” answers the core “why” question, and defines the values of the Network in a way that can preserve them far into the future.
Just to add a complication while I think of it…
Useful if whatever is resolved, is easily translated.
“Privacy, Security, Freedom”, would translate directly without losing impact.
الخصوصية؛ الأمن؛ حرية
गोपनीयता, सुरक्षा, स्वतंत्रता
To be honest I’m not particularly keen on either of them although I marginally prefer Privacy, Security, Freedom as it is a bolder statement of intent.
I do think it would be worth putting it out to an agency that has no prior knowledge.
A good copywriter is an outsider who can capture the essence of something and sculpt an appealing public face by chipping away the 95 per cent of extraneous stuff that is so precious to those that created it and yet which for the purpose of communication just gets in the way. Less is more, as they say.
SAFE is a visionary, practicable and in my view necessary project. The strapline needs to hone its messaging to the separate audiences who need to hear it: developers, cryptocurrency geeks and everyday people with no interest in technology.
This is not easy, especially for people who are close to a project.
“Privacy, Security, Freedom” sounds like the tagline of a political campaign. You can translate it, because it´s just three words and that´s it.
I am personally not all too happy with SAFE(Secure access for Everyone). I think we all got used to it and that´s why we think it is the right choice, but we need to think out of our narrow filterbubble with regard to a target group.
In the first years, SAFE will be used by a small group of online avangardist. Those are partwise people who have a lot of technical understanding and a group which loves to play around with new tools. We should make an offer to them.
Contrary to “Privacy, Security, Freedom” “SAFE/Secure access for everyone” works as a vision (You can put “Imagine:” in front of it). I think we would do well with a more progressive slogan (like “Your Internet Reinvented”) that challenges the prior strapline, but I think this community is rather conservative with this issue. In that case I think SAFE/Secure access for everyone is the better choice.
I agree, if there was a lot of money in the project chest, we should definitely do that and it would be worth it. As far as I understand, money is currently an issue, so maybe not now? We should always consider, that we can still change the strapline in the future and it won´t harm the project.
Thanks for the link. Interesting that so many big brands have changed their strapline so often. Yes, I understand that splashing precious cash on the proverbial coke-snorting ponytail might not be a top priority at the moment, and perhaps it’s not so necessary when the first priority, I assume, is to attract developers.
To add my two cents.
Safe access for everyone…DONE
N.S.A. we have a problem.
I’m okay with both lines, but I suspect that even after only a short time immersing myself in all things SAFE, I’m in no place to say and I probably the last person to ask about mass marketing.
As others have pointed out tag lines evolve. When journalists and writers start talking about SAFE, and users and developers start doing new things with it, maybe new tag lines will become obvious.
I like the idea of a nature inspired tag line. We already have references to Ants which helps illustrate the network design, but I don’t think that image would connect with the average person. Maybe something to do with trees, roots, spine, backbone, or something elemental in nature.
I think we also need capture - though maybe not in the tag line - that the SAFE network will also be a place of innovation, excitement, risk, and the cutting edge, its not only about security and privacy.
Secure/safe access for everyone, is a sentence, down to earth, easy to understand and more “on the move”.
I think I prefer “secure” since you then can write
SAFE - Secure Access for Everyone
It looks a bit silly to write
SAFE - Safe Access for Everyone
(and in a way “safe” more speaks to the idea of safe browsing or parental control.)
Privacy, Security, Freedom, is three nouns that are “standing still”, a bit abstract, but core aspects of the network. They are perhaps a bit overused in this post-Snowden-era.
I also like the suggestions:
SAFE Network - The Internet Reborn
SAFE - the new Internet
but these can only be used in the beginning, since the idea is that SAFE will become the “Internet”, and then it is not new anymore.
Difficult to decide.
Just brainstorming here:
SAFE Network
Be yourself. Be powerful.
SAFE Network
Be yourself. Be free.
SAFE Network
Be powerful. Be free.
SAFE Network
Be powerful, together
SAFE Network - It´s better!
SAFE Network - Your Internet
SAFE Network - A canvas for your ideas
or on the cheesy side of things:
SAFE Network - Just Use it
SAFE - The best thing since sliced bread
Is your data SAFE?
Yesterday you were invited to vote on a strapline for the SAFE Network. This vote is part of the preparations for the logo design competition on the 99designs platform.
We anticipated there to be a lot of support for the options presented in the vote and that either of these options would win the majority of votes. It turns out however that as of now around 25% of the voters don’t like either of the options presented. Judging by the discussion on this topic, a lot of community members have strong feelings about choosing the right strapline for the SAFE Network. We feel that by continuing the vote in its current form we would not do the right thing for the community.
We have cancelled the current vote and turned this voting topic into a topic where the discussion about the strapline can be continued. A new strapline vote with additional straplines chosen by the community will be initiated next week. This will fit in the timetable presented in the logo design competition topic.
The new vote will start Sunday, July 10 at 6:00 PM GMT. The vote will end a week later on Sunday, July 17 at 6:00 PM GMT. The community will be able to put forward strapline suggestions until Sunday, July 10 5:00 PM GMT.
A new topic has been created here. You can post your strapline suggestions in that topic. Every strapline that gets 20 likes or more will be included in the poll. We ask you to post just the strapline in this topic and to just like to straplines posted by others. The topic itself is not to be used to discuss the strapline suggestions. The discussions on strapline suggestions can be continued in this current topic.
As mentioned above the final vote will run for exactly one week. Forum members with trust level 2 (Member) will be able to vote and change their vote until the vote closes. Once the vote closes the strapline with the highest percentage of votes will be chosen as the strapline. In case of a tie the decision will be made by the logo design committee.
We appreciate that not everyone may agree on cancelling the vote, and we’re sure that not everyone will agree on the strapline that will be chosen when the new vote ends Sunday, July 17. We feel that this is the way to ensure that everyone had a chance to contribute to the process of choosing a strapline for the SAFE Network.