Yep, i like freedom but im not married to the idea… catchy is huge if we can come up with it, reborn might be it, but i def want to keep probing too :).
It certainly shouldn’t be rushed and it’s great that we can welcome criticism etc. Marketing is an art as well as a science, the muse will strike someone when she is good and ready… maybe a rework of the idea of reborn/rebirth… ‘the network reborn’ sounds a bit geeky and dull to me (no offence David ;))
I have been thinking and yes I know that is dangerous.
Using “Reborn” gets old once people are using the SAFE network and many have heard of it.
Maybe we can have one Strapline for the first period (reborn) and then a second one for the long term. Many companies have done this and actually some have 2 and which is used is dependent on the use/placement.
absolutely, likewise. it just feels geeky to me, consensus in here will dictate whether i’m just the weirdo in the corner :). it’s important that we all voice our thoughts here though.
lol, i prefer ‘the network has hatched’ - feels quirkier and more memorable.
I do like rebirth, the phoenix rising from the ashes and all that stuff, it’s just the word network, or even internet doesn’t really inspire. I quite like reborn in another context and some how more cryptic and memorable.
Now that I dig baby!
On lots of levels.
EDIT: the more i think about it the more i like it too, excellent work sir! Even if it’s not the one (and to my mind it could be the one) it’s way closer imho.
What do you guys think of “the internet made safe”
or “the web made safe” . It is simple and if some companies were going to transition to the safe network they would be able to put their logo with
“Xyz made safe”, it also references the maidsafe company. Now some people wouldn’t agree with saying internet or web like @dirvine pointed out (although I wouldn’t be too surprised if w3c were a fan of the safe network) but I think " the network made safe" or “a network made safe” might be a bit vague and people wouldn’t know what network you are talking about. One bad thing about the tagline a lot of people would say that the internet is already safe (despite all the hacks of websites and databases).
I think maidsafe and safenetwork should be very distinct entities. I think that’s the general consensus in troon too, so although it sounds cool, I don’t think it’ll fly.
I went for Privacy, Security, Freedom. I think it’s more to the point and a stronger punchline, it’s already a little established in the community and it adds better to SAFE Network (where SAFE already means the other option).
The target market will not take the time to think this MAID thing through. Every day some startup announces some new thang-a-ma-jig that makes internet life better or some new subscriber service to keep your kids SAFE from online predators. We have so little time to attract and secure them as users and that means brevity is the order of the day.
SECURE ACCESS FOR EVERYONE: Thats all that you need. Its succinct, poetic and elegant and includes the one word all people can relate to: SECURE. (Safe Access for Everyone is redundant as the ACRONYM is SAFE)
“CONCERN ABOUT INTERNET SECURITY” is a top concern and that HEADLINE/concern is growing WORLDWIDE every day.
SAFE is not good and will confuse. The statement “SAFE” can take on too many forms and potential users will not take the time to wade through the possibilties.
The 3-30-3 Rule in Marketing
-3 seconds to grab the readers attention and SECURE does that, SAFE does not.
-30 seconds to engage them with a summary
-3 minutes to convince them to use it
Only ONE word is necessary to start the pitch and that word is SECURE.
Now there are some new rules to consider
Privacy, Security, Freedom - I hate to sound like a poopmaster but I really think this tagline is dated. Two of these three words are so overused that consumers are numb to their effects.
Further, it could be argued that from a lay perspective Privacy is the same as Security. Freedom is not a technical word, its a emotional political word and should not be used in a corporate tagline unless your selling Che Guevara T-Shorts.
No insult intended here.
I honestly had to look up the meaning of “strapline” and how it differentiates from a brand, vision or missions. Wikipedia redirected me to Advertising slogan and told me:
Advertising slogans are short, memorable groups of words used in advertising campaigns. The advertising phrases are means of drawing attention to one distinctive feature (an aspect of a product). The purpose is to emphasize a phrase that an entity wishes to be remembered by; Particularly, for marketing a specific corporate image; Or, connection to a business product or consumer base.
Which raised an eye brow and I think this is very a lot of the current confusion and discussion comes from: What’s the advertising campaign? Who are we trying to reach and advertise to? And why and why should they care? What would distinct aspect of SAFE would they care and know about?
The article goes one to explain that very often claims start out as part of an initial advertising campaign and turning into a brand-wide identity ones it catches on – I believe “Just do it” is such an example. But I feel we are skipping an important step here: we try to define the brand before we even have any campaign (answering the aforementioned questions) and compare them to claims that without their initial campaigns make little sense.
I truly thought “SAFE” was an abbreviation for “Secure Access for Everyone” – why else spell it all UPPERCASE? But depending on who you talk to “Secure” (as well as “safe”) have very distinctly different meanings – especially in regards to technology/the internet. Secure as in TLS? As in secure coding? Safe as in “condoms”? Where does “privacy” come in there? Does that have to do with “safe” or secure? Facebook is secure – yet privacy is violated all the time.
I think one problem I have with those is that you first have to explain how the current internet is not or you are facing a crowd, which knows but comes with a lot of expectations (TOR users, Crytpo- and Blockchain-Experts). The SafeNetwork is a “the internet reinvented” or next generation but much more than it is being build upon a new set of guiding ideas and principles, which make the heart of the entire endeavor: this is not HTTP/2 (which is also ‘secure’ by default).
I really like that Brand Brief document, the vision, position and guiding principles are amazing, yet none of the proposed claims/straplines capture this. I like the word “safe” because it provides an emotion: “feeling safe”, “stay safe”, “be safe” – and a lot of the guiding principle ultimately are about that: not being violated. No violation of your privacy, of your communication and not even in the processes of how these things come about and are decided upon in the first place (RFCs, open communication even on funding). There are plenty of other technologies and project claiming to reinvent the internet and provide safe cloud solution blah, but IMHO this is the true heart – This is the WHY @Jabba was referencing with the Simon Sinek talk (seriously great talk!).
I do feel that the claim needs to convey that. Not only the technology but exactly those human aspects that we care very deeply about and make us even have these lengthy discussions. Like Mozilla stands for an “open web” and their entire company culture and way to work incorporates that. I’d love for us to stand for the “safe web” (like “safe sex” ) – but this will require some more pushing of our side to define the terms better.
“Choose Freedom” is a good one.
It doesn’t have to be like this, choose freedom.
Stop corruption, choose freedom.
Imagine in a world without walls, and borders. Choose freedom.
Brexit was not redone because the win was only by a 4% majority.
There is however a clear favorite here. If every poll goes to a new vote because a percentage of voters disagree we will still be here in 2020.
I understand why code is rewritten, but a vote not so much. I can see the trolls coming if we can not be desisive and this time they would have a point.
and with everything else you say for that matter, I want to ‘like’ your post multiple times lol.
“be free, be SAFE”?
I know, I already did that, but my point is that some who may prefer “SAFE [or Safe] Access For Everyone” will not do so because they will not have read the entire thread and realised that is a way to express their preference. I think the only way to get a true reflection of support for [edit] all the popular options is to re-run the poll. Hence my suggestion.