SAFE Network strapline vote

Suggested already by Pierce: The Internet Reborn

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Of all the discussion here, I certainly prefer “The Internet Reborn”.

It reminds me a tweet that one of the big bitcoin guys (Andreas, Andreesen, Roger Ver, etc) said about MAIDSAFE - any help finding it would be greatly appreciated, but it was along the lines of:

If we could go back in time and remake the internet, this is how we’d do it.


I prefer the internet reborn to the two given options, but it still just tells me what it does and doesn’t really excite me or tell me why I should care/investigate.

Call to action is much more powerful than description imo

“Choose Freedom” still feels more likely to pique my interest than “The internet reborn”.

I think we should keep hunting for a call to action of some kind personally.

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It would be fun if Maidsafe could also soon update TC, when the SAFE Network is up and running :stuck_out_tongue:


As I said earlier though, I’m not so sure that this tagline should be aimed at getting ‘mass adoption’. The masses don’t move for a strapline, they move because a network effect has a gravitational impact on their habits - their friends and family start talking about it or using it, so they take a look and get hooked. Just like fb or uber etc etc.

The strapline for a product like safenetwork would do better if it targeted people who will care and be interested imo. SAFE will start with the pirates of this world and the black market. They will end up proving its robustness and utility at the start; business and casual users will naturally follow from there. Or am I crazy for thinking that? :confused: It seems very likely to me at least.

I still think we need to get other people like us excited; the rest will follow organically imo.

I’ll be disappointed if we don’t use something that excites (people like) me and piques my curiosity, I think it’s a missed opportunity if we just use this to describe what SAFE is tbh.

I do like ‘the internet reborn’, I just think there might be more effective options to motivate a user with no idea what SAFE is yet.


After all, the masses are already quite happy with this internet, why do they care much about having it reborn, that only matters to those of us who see how broken it is

Freedom is something all users of SAFE in the early days will care about and be interested in imo.


Define: Strapline > a short, easily remembered phrase

Five of the best company straplines and the stories behind them

  • Tesco: ‘Every little helps’
  • John Lewis: ‘Never knowingly undersold’
  • L’OrĂ©al: ‘Because you’re worth it’
  • Nike: ‘Just do it’
  • Marmite: ‘Love it or hate it’

Each of those don’t say anything one their own. They’re not value statements even.

I think then “SAFE Access For Everyone” is better as a strapline.

I wonder it’s important that there isn’t only one winner. We seem to only have good ideas above. So, “Secure Access For Everyone”, still works and obviously “Privacy; Security; Freedom” is the most powerful statement of interest - and I especially like what followed from @riddim above that both “SAFE” and “safe”, follow from our seeing Privacy; Security; Freedom.

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Whenever I talk to anyone about the SAFE Network and they ask me what it is I always start by saying it is the new internet. So my suggestion is:

SAFE Network - The new internet


Which perhaps reminds us that there will be different audiences.

Will the above suggestions cater for the business interests?..

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Totally agree with all of that sentiment and direction.

Still want more than ‘reborn’ to do it though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just feel like ‘the internet reborn’ would be the perfect title for a big article about maidsafe rather than the strapline.

Hmmm, it is tough one, but then these things always are.


I don’t think it needs to
 by the time businesses might be interested the last thing they will care about is the strapline.

The strapline doesn’t want to aim for ubiquity in appeal imo, it wants to aim for impact and effect, more like classic examples above.


I like
Privacy Security & Freedom == vision of the network
SAFE - the Internet reborn == strapline (We can also show what SAFE means)

The debate of the word Internet is valid, purists will say the Internet does not change, but the services on top do (www/smpt etc.). As a strapline though perhaps this is not so relevent. I am not 100% sure here, it allows ealry trolls and smart asses some room to sneer. Perhaps the Web reborn, but then we uspset w3c etc. Unless we use
SAFE the network reborn

Which then is valid, we just do not say which network, but people will automatically connect that to the Internet or web etc. Also covers private storage networks as well.

I am purely an Engineer though, so this marketing etc. is a skill I have never learned or fully understood. Ithers here are much more proficient in this area, but it’s a thought ayway.


I don’t know a great deal about marketing and have a healthy dislike of what is not simple straightforward and honest.

However I do wonder that organisations without focus do waste energy working at cross purposes - which can be useful at times but more often having a clear sense of these does help:

  • Mission statement
  • Vision statement
  • Core values

If you consider how Coca Cola presents itself
 perhaps we need to resolve not just a strapline.

So as far as I can see we are heading towards:

Mission statement
~SAFE the network reborn

Vision statement
= Privacy Security & Freedom

I wonder those appear rather well stated in the Brand Brief:

and then not to forget

?=> SAFE Access For Everyone


I think we need to take a long hard look at the ones davidpbrown mentioned.

‘Every little helps’
‘Never knowingly undersold’
‘Because you’re worth it’
‘Just do it’
‘Love it or hate it’

These are all a little bit cryptic. If you weren’t familiar with them then there is no chance you could guess what product they referred to. They distinguish themselves from others in their industry rather than identifying themselves by what they do.

They force you to ask yourself a question, rather than answering one for you. Things like ‘the network reborn’ are far more descriptive than cryptic. Yes, you can say it forces you to ask questions, but it doesn’t really engage with any core emotions that might trigger immediate curiosity. It’s not really quirky or memorable and doesn’t have any of the x factor that make the above examples work.

Something more along the lines of ‘Choose Freedom’ might do more for us in terms of engaging the real target audience who might turn this into a snowball. Although, I probably do prefer the ‘internet reborn’ or ‘network reborn’ to ‘choose freedom’ as specific examples, I think we ought to head more in the direction of the examples given above. Am I really alone on that? If so I’ll shut up and stop annoying everyone :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Those appear to suggest a simple idea or notion that is them closely associated with the product.

→ What do you want your product associated with?..

A strapline perhaps is always put alongside the brand name; so, it doesn’t need to be a restatement that includes “SAFE”.


FWIW, I’m also firmly coming at this from the perspective that the first few million users will be largely made up of weed smokers and pirates, freedom fighters and security geeks. These are the people I have in mind when I’m thinking about engaging an audience and arguing for a different approach.

I’m sure many of you will disagree with that though, so perhaps we should be arguing about these fundamental goals before we get to the tools we use to achieve them?