I went with Other because I’m also a fan of SAFE access for everyone. Has the GNU feel and I really think it sounds better.
yep Safe instead of Secure does sound better : SAFE access for everyone- unless you then explain the acronym … where the repetition sounds odd… but safe is superior word to secure, IMO and I quite like the play with the acronym as the first word…
I did suggest somewhere “internet made better” But it doesn’t quite grasp the enormity of what SAFE is.
I have to say I really, really love @Pierce’s suggestion of:
SAFE: The Internet Reborn
This discussion has brought up the role of a strapline, what audience it’s directed at, etc. For how I answer those questions, “The Internet Reborn” is pretty dang near perfect. I don’t believe a strapline is obligated to convey information so much as provoke curiosity and excitement—some sort of positive, forward-leaning response. “The Internet Reborn” does that in spades for me. It’s exciting, accurate, and pithy. Perfect.
SAFE: Freedom begins at home
It’s like “Statist: violence begins at home.”
Secure access for everyone implies privacy, security freedom. But at the heart of the internet and what made it great was its anti-lockout provision, or secure access for those who could benefit provision and that was its neutrality provision. By being anti-lockout it was inclusive. Being inclusive means its non exclusive or non elitists and being non elitist is liberal and not conservative. Its very liberal project, some might think it Utopian, but its the right project at the right time.
Tell that to Facebook or Twitter. Or to your ISP for that matter. The problem with the Left and the Right is they both want freedom, they just want DIFFERENT freedoms and can’t seem to keep from infringing on the freedoms of others for the sake of “morality.” The internet itself isn’t inherently inclusive anymore than literacy is inherently inclusive.
Meh I’d go with SAFE: The Internet Reborn. I agree @Pierce is onto something there.
Yeah, I think “reborn” is the better option. I’m not surprised you’ve been holding onto it for so long—it’s really memorable, imo. One possible variation:
MAID: Your Internet Reborn
Edit: Intellectually better. But I actually prefer: The Internet Reborn. Super clean, direct, + all the other things I mentioned above.
People can change their votes for the poll if they like. I just tried this. Just click the new option you prefer.
Anyone know how this is “officially” tabulated? Does a certain percentage need to be reached? Is it simply the highest percentage?
I suppose if one option has over 50% then most people prefer that option. Otherwise more disagree with each option
Obviously we’re getting a lot of feedback and a high percentage of people don’t (fully) like the two options we thought would be fan favourites
We’ll discuss this today and decide on the way forward. If the current poll continues we’ll at least clarify needed percentages to win.
I agree with you. If read the phrase “Safe Access For Everyone” in a computer magazine would believe they talking about parental control software or something similar.
The Maidsafe web phase “welcome to a secure (free) internet” or “The internet reborn” looks better.
The poll group is the trust Level 2 members of which there are 322 member. Wait a few days and we should see a few more voting. Give it a few days then we can see if there is an issue with the poll size.