SAFE Network Dev Update - October 17, 2019

History proves you wrong. But you have so far refused to listen to considered reasons why the idea does not work. But here you are again. You do know what we mean by history proves you wrong? It means it has happened before and to think it will not happen again is childish thinking at best.

Why do you continue? There are much more fruitful ideas you could be thinking up and maybe some to achieve similar goals without having free PUTs. How about learning and helping rather than wasting our time over and over again telling you all the reasons it will not work.

We have to repeat ourselves because new users could think you have a good idea, but they have not the knowledge or experience of why it is not, and they get confused or run with it and we have to tell them specially too.

It is a GREEDY idea of yours and very selfish and appeals to the desire to get things for free that lurks in all of us. BUT nothing in this life is free really, there is always a cost and your continuing to try and make SAFE totally free with a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow is deceptive at best and … at worst. Please learn and stop the nonsense.