SAFE Network Client Testing Commences

Somebody please help!

I start the launcher, successfully log in, create my public ID then upload my site being careful to select the folder that has the index file in it. After a few seconds the demo app tells me that my site has been successfully published but it doesn’t show it as a service.

It just goes back to this:

When I try to visit the URL I get this message:


What am I doing wrong!?

@smacz I need some super techno foo! Help me please…:tired_face: :cry: :sob:

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What’re you using it on? That looks like a Windows XP window…

We need a fill-me-out help form or something…

EDIT: IIRC some binaries had issues with uploading whole folders and only accepted individual files…

I’m using win7.


Damn! After your comment I proceeded to tediously convert the images to base64 and apply them to the index html file. Now the folder only has 1 file in it. The index file. Still, I get the same experience. It tells me that the site has been published but no service if left to manage. I try to navigate to my page and I get the previously stated dns service not found message. What is going wrong? Please help.

LMAO I mean binaries as in the executables - like the OSX binary, the Windows .exe binary, the linux binary, etc…


Have you tried uploading just the index file? - aka not selecting “upload folder” but selecting “upload file”? Then try uploading the files one-by-one?

ProTip: If it doesn’t work for the first one, don’t try all of them one-by-one.

EDIT: Also:

EDIT2: I’m 100% linux here, so I can’t replicate the environment on my end, unless someone wants to PM me their unused product key that I could put into a VM…

EDIT3: Still laughing about you converting all the images into base64…


You can see how I might of misinterpreted your comment don’t you? If I can’t even upload a site what makes you think I even care about anything other than that. :confused:

I was asking for help with site publishing after all. :neutral_face:

I’ll upload a dick image for you soon enough. Be patient. :weary:

I’m not given the option to select an individual file. Only folders.

I wanted all of them in at once, but yeah, I should’ve run more tests. :yum:

Yeah I’ve been tempted to start a VM but I’m lazy. I also have to download the image which will take forever with my shitty connection. :smile:

I’m still pretty spent from yesterday night/this morning I guess I’ll call it a night. :wink:

It made sense at the time. Merge everything into one file. If multi file upload was the issue, it was a logical solution. :relaxed:

I finally tried using the super plain template but even that failed to provide me a manageable service or a site to navigate to. :sweat:

Oh well, thanks for the help or the lack thereof. I’ll hit you up tomorrow. :v: :slightly_smiling:

EDIT: When you said binaries I naturally assumed the buggy beta exe’s. As in OS specific binaries failing to function as intended thus preventing site uploads that have multiple files.

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That’s disconcerting. I’d post a bug on jira if I were you - after you turn it off and then turn it back on again.

If you start downloading the image now, it’ll be done by the time you wake up…

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Already started. Debian.

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We talked compression once. You said it was possible to compress about 280Mb/s. Which it quite faster than our up- and download speeds so would really make sense. Is this still implemented? How much improvement do we see on the speed? I think every 10% is welcome. As far as I know BitTorrent doesn’t use compression on chunks.


Had not much time yet but everytime I boot again exited what neat times are coming …:tada: :confetti_ball:

important to use ‘index.html’ and not ‘main.html’ or similar otherwise I had {“errorCode”:-1503,“description”:“InvalidPath”}


I suspect that is the default. Most web servers singe same. Try putting /main.html on the end of the URL and it would work that way too (it is how all your other files are served).

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As long as you are able to use the correct proxy you should be fine.

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Hi, thanks for response. Nope, followed all instruction, on Mac, Chrome uses system proxy settings, so did setup per Mac instructions, all looks good, but no go?

But the children…
Having said that, as the owner of the first SAFE site for adult entertainment, I admit am more interested in using moral standards as an excuse to eliminate competition (although I haven’t started catering to that particular market ( I mean dics pics) yet).

I’ve seen most of the bugs described in recent post and while there are some workarounds the bottom line is any I cannot edit/change the Web site which was possible early on.
By the looks of it, at least 3 more months to go.



By the looks of it, at least 3 more months to go.

Optimism! I think longer, unless you’re talking about the MVP :slightly_smiling:


I mean everything. MVP one month, decentralized vaults and churn one, Safecoin one. That’s my hope (the same estimate I had last November) but if it happens faster I won’t complain. Of course it could happen slower as well.

By the way, IMO the MVP testing should have been broken into 2 parts (standalone launcher with MaidSafe vaults and maybe 1-2 CLI scripts that can post stuff to vaults, and then sample apps separately), as the current approach resulted in so much confusion around which part does what and how they relate, plus a flood of “generic” bugs that may be due to this, but also to that (launcher, app, network, vaults, etc).

Another strange decision was to not leave the logs behind (at least I couldn’t find them). You’d think the devs would hope people could simply submit the last 30 lines of their log instead posting generic “doesn’t work” messages, but I haven’t seen anything about the logs.

[I am surprised no one has realized this]

It’s too late to change the way MVP was released, but the log thing can still be improved.


amazing guys, when will be able to farm more or less?

Are css files supported at the moment ? I am storing a css file in a separate folder linked to my index.html, but it does not apply on the web page. I experience the same issue with js files (Of course I tested locally and both work on my side).
Thank you !

First there is a TODO list in the OP to get through. Then they’ll release vaults for testing - which will require more changes and bug fixing. Then they will begin work on Safecoin implementation… beginning with TestSafecoin… more TODOs testing bugfixes… then, ish, farming can begin. So that long :slightly_smiling: apart from the details I missed out that is :wink:


I would have thought that tehy would work, since they are just files.

Once your web page loads it then requests the css and js files which can take 2 seconds on the current test system

EDIT: that is at least 2 seconds

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Yes I had the same reasoning as you. Can anyone having successfully done so paste the safe address of such a site :smiley: ?