Safe name brand poll

Personally, my favorite is just “SAFE” - but with maybe some artistic variation to the characters to make it look like a brand name. Fits well on a t-shirt too.


What about SAFEN with the N obviously being Network.

Its unusual but still invokes safe in the minds of people


For awhile it seemed SAFEnetwork was the remedy for that.

Thats why I suggested SAFEN because then its Secure Access For Everyone Network

No issues with safenet or safenetwork

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Oh, I see what you mean now. I still see the same problem that there is issue with as far as SAFENID and what not. I get that it’s a solution but it might just be more confusing as new comers don’t know the acronym.

SAFEN is the worst!

I don’t understand the reason to change.

Also, I don’t understand why we can’t just use all the above.

and does it matter… if SAFE is base, then the next layers and applications will have their own identity.

SAFE is ideal to my mind as immediately associated with the already internalized and familiar “safe”.


Well I tried and failed :sweat_smile:


Haha, they can’t all be zingers!


What is the reason for people wanting to put capital letters in the middle of (compound) words? I just don’t understand it. Please explain. I know plenty of fishermen, but not one fisherMan.

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CamelCasing is a way to make multi-word names more readable without spaces. To state the obvious, some people like it, some don’t. It’s just a personal preference - aesthetic and subjective, not objective IMO.

I believe readability is mostly about adhering to standards that one gets used to. Does anybody actually find it easier to read fisherMan than to read fisherman?

I am usually able to decipher what people mean when mixing up there/their and it’s/its, but the incorrect or non-standard spelling always interrupts my reading for a split second. There is a good reason written languages are standardized.


The standard form of camel case would have that be FisherMan my standards loving friend :sunglasses:.

Yeah, I sometimes use camel case when coding, but rarely. Much prefer snake case for nearly everything. Kebbab case is my go to for filenames and folders…Then there are the hybrids, strange beasts like the Minotaur that should be locked away… (Ex. Safe_Network–v0.1.2)


I think Safen or SAFEN or SAFEn or something is good.

sounds like a proper verb (to safen your data, life etc, so good marketing straplines)
works as an acronym (Secure Access For Everyone Network)
short, memorable
may work in many languages

Yep, I like it.


Yeah it’s okay… but if we’re going there, I’d throw in SNAFE as well … not to be confused with a certain teacher from Harry Potter :laughing: Snape



You have the makings of a meme there.

P.s. If we end up with SAFEN, I’ll be forced to start forks called SAFED, SAFER, and SAFEST.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Hey that sounds like a fun festival name… :thinking:


Or maybe it’s Internet, not Network … in which case we could have: SIAFE although I think many would be confused as to how to pronounce it.

Half-jokes aside though, I think I’d still just prefer SAFE.

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What about Safenet?

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safenet has been taken by another company and is not available

See this post above Safe name brand poll - #51 by Sotros25

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I’ve edited the OP to explain some of the discussion on the possibility of trademark infringement with “SafeNetwork” and “SafeNet”. I’ve also set a deadline of 12th Sept. to close poll (basically a weeks period for voting) and noted that during that period everyone is free to change their vote if they learn more and desire to change it.


I think we also need the option ‘Something completely different’
Just see this thread for example Rebranding MaidSafe For The Mass
And there were more threads like this.