Could you do a TL;DR version of that, I didn’t read it all sorry. But thanks for liking my idea.

As opposed to half posts? Case and point. I never said the phrasing doesn’t matter. That is another example of what I am against. Unnecessarily degenerating a thread down to semantics when what was written had been understood (i.e. trolling) and inaccurate accusatory commentary. What was questioned had little overall potential impact on marketing if any at all. A persons beliefs cannot be forcefully injected into them by a media campaign. Slow conditioning is the only reliable method I know of. So I don’t see the necessity of semantic elaboration in this case.

The moderators are here to keep dense threads from gathering too much unnecessary data. Such poor discretionary output ultimately wastes everyone’s time. It also raises the barrier for those wanting to follow a cohesive thread while embarking on their research. I understand the urge to argue the seemingly inarguable or to enforce the accuracy of communications, but as I’ve written before, natural languages are subject to our personal filters. Until a formal language is created similar to engineering and programming languages, some degree of reasoning and assumption could save us countless ours of confrontation.

If you want clarification, send the individual a PM and be done with it. If you believe the resulting private conversation would be of benefit to the thread, post a brief summary of it. Anything else amounts to intellectual masturbation. I for one do not want one to get off on me. :sweat:

“Discord”…I like the sound of that! :smiley:
Sounds much better than hanging around with all those “Slackers”…I can’t believe they actually have the audacity to actually call it “Slack”…all sat around chatting with their feet up…mooching about…unbelievable :smiley:

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