RUDP - Cheapest path routing

Data caps and large capacity HDD’s would not seem like a good fit for seeding a network.

ISP peering to the rescue?

Not sure about the rest of the world, but in Australia, un-metered peering links would seem ideal for getting say, a 2TB drive seeded via nearby vaults…nearby alluding to the whole of the Australian continent via peered links.

Q: Is cheapest path routing built into MaidSAFE? is this indeed, how this p2p model can get seeded, without killing data caps on day 1 of farming.

If this is the way it works, how long before these links become saturated with Maidsafe traffic and start being counted in a data cap. I guess that would be an early indicator that SAFE is having an impact on net economics.

Am I in the right paddock?

My question is along these same lines so I’ll add it to this topic and possibly get them all answered at once without topic spam.

Q: what will network traffic look like? My ISP offers me “unlimited” bandwidth - which i make pretty good use of - however they rate limit me HARD as soon as they see torrent traffic. It doesn’t matter the content. I first noticed it while getting backtrack from a public tracker - totally legal. Is there any way to help our cause to preempt this so such an isp?

In light of the current (and already long waging) war on net neutrality, ISPs are not going to like the rise of the SAFE network. It puts them in their place: as a utility provider that shouldn’t discriminate. SAFE will assure this as the ISP is completely in the dark about the content of the traffic on their network. So it is my feeling that most ISPs, excepting the rare few that take a correct stance, will fight SAFE.

I am confident though net neutrality (and SAFE) will win in the long haul, but it will not happen without a fight. Demanding from your ISP that they treat SAFE traffic fair is one way to go. Building amazing apps on SAFE and building a huge user base is another way to fight the battle.

But a battle it will be.


Meshnet may be part of the answer, but we’re going to need our own satellites to win conclusively and have a truly free global network,
Until then, don’t throw away your Pringles cartons.
Hyperboria is interesting but I expect you already know about that project.

Edit: a better link for tin can antennas to extend wifi to form part of a meshnet

“Nearby” in the SAFE network has nothing to do with physical location, but similarity of node address, which is randomly generated. Four “nearby” nodes will likely be spread over the world. This is part of the data security advantage of the network.