How Will ISP Data Caps Affect the SAFE Network?

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The better question is what will happen if we start mesh networking? Short term I don’t think this will be a problem. People will push their internet to their data cap and earn as much safecoin as possible. But because of this limitation I think there will be more clamor for mesh networking capability added to the network so that we won’t be directly dependent on ISPs.


CJDNS interpolate greatly with maidsafe.

We already have the tech, we just need people to push the boundaries.

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Or batman-adv etc. There are already huge networks in many country’s. check out freifunk

I gather data caps are still an issue in certain countries. I know that like 10-15 years ago they used to be an issue here (The Netherlands), but usually only if you downloaded several gigabytes a day. Now I can easily download / upload hundreds of GB a month without any problems.

I guess this may be a problem for individual users, but I think the network will have receive plenty of bandwidth from users that don’t have to deal with ISP data caps.