Rolling Rewards Program Extension to šŸš€šŸš€

Hi All!

As we reach the last hurdles and begin the process of cutting the final release for the Network prior to the Token Generation Event (TGE), we want to maintain continuity and a seamless transition to the world on the other side.

To do this, and build on the amazing Network we have all assembledā€”which is over 365,000 nodes strong at the last countā€”we are extending the current node rewards programs on rolling daily basis. This means we can keep the same growth trajectory and dovetail it with the live market economy.

The current network of nodes is looking in impressive shape, and is a testament to the community, and the tireless efforts of the team. Some final tweaks, and last sign-offs for nodes, and some deep updates for the client.

So enjoy these moments as we approach the start-line, and keep an eye out for the final node updates as we announce them.


Network size and storage is getting pretty impressive!

Letā€™s overtake Filecoin/ IPFS, shall we? Then AWS. Then, THE WORLD!!! :crazy_face:


The storage figures are not reliable and likely a vast overestimate because nodes have been pretty empty for a long time, which incentivises anyone wanting to maximise rewards to run more nodes than they have storage.


Or is it an incentive to test your setup, hard drives are easy to add and relatively cheap compared to RAM and CPU.

Check out the Dev Forum


I really donā€™t understand why thatā€™s cooking up repeatedlyā€¦ Hard drives are the cheapest resource needed by a node runner ā€¦


A wee tutorial on the most efficient use of LVM and how to mount additional disks into the original LV (Logical Volume) would be handy.

Am I right in thinking that formatting the drive as btrfs or xfs is overkill and ext4 is perfectly adequate?

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Do we know yet if a network reset will be done when TGE occurs?

I have always assumed it would be very much needed, even if to clear out the dross and test data, upload failures of random chunks stored.


my 2 cents for what its worthā€¦ :wink:

BTFS- pro-active volume capacity expansion:
if one wants to oversubscribe storage now in favour of running a lot of nodes now to maximize token rewards now,

then down stream,

as the Autonomi Network fills up

one expands antnode storage volume size proactively its relatively straightforward with bash to automate volume expansion with btrfs,

where btrfs (there are other file systems sure that support volume expansion) is triggered to grow antnode volumes

ie- having a cron job scheduled to load and run a bash script designed to do the checking antnode volume storage periodically,

so according to some growth rule set parameters checked by the script (possibly passed at the cli when running the bash script then stored to variables in the script,)

the bash script goes to work to expand the btrfs volumes in advance.

Probably want the script to email/text message one in advance, with option to trigger expansion, or at least remind to add capacity to the volume.

of course success in doing the above is in the details.

EXT4 ā€œFire and Forgetā€ designed memory and capacity balance

Otherwise a ā€˜fire and forget modelā€™ might have one just balance storage to memory ant node count using the ā€˜64GB storage per node ruleā€™ and the worst case ā€˜250MB ram per antnode ruleā€™, which is where EXT4 fits nicely, since its not capable of expanding volume size on its own.

This latter ext4 ā€˜Fire and Forgetā€™ model is non speculative and will not earn as many ANT ERC-20 tokens up front and over the useful life of the system, and is simpler operationally for sure, provided doesnā€™t do any firmware upgrades or security upgrades needed during the useful life of the system running the nodes, to keep the system functioning safely and properly.

@JimCollinson currently my nodes have not earned a single Attos for almost two days, e.g. someone wrote that early on they were earning about 6 Attos per day and now 1 Attos for 2 days.

Iā€™ve checked the settings, changed from auto to home-network, still no earnings, how can I tell if itā€™s a settings issue or too many nodes in the current extended program if I canā€™t even earn 1 Attos? :slight_smile:

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yep im in the same boat, since it was announced more attos were going to be rewarded ive recevied next to nothing for some reason

You earn Attoā€™s, rewards are based on Attoā€™s earned.

What ant-node version are you on (latest is v0.3.5), and how many nodes are you running?

Yes I have the latest version of nodes, I have 10-15 nodes. Yesterday I already spoke to rusty.spork, he checked my connection and computer parameters etc it looks like everything is ok but the earnings are gone for the third day, on Neoā€™s advice I have now reduced the amount to 5 nodes.

We have come to the conclusion that this may be the effect of the expansion of the rewards programme, a lot of users have joined nodes, I think the effect may be slightly different than expected.

My theory is:

as a result of:

How plausible is that?

i am only running 14 nodes. i have been getting paid. 5 times in the last 2 days.


I observe the opposite. I have a laptop with 150 nodes and a VPS with 20 nodes in the cloud. Even though the VPS has 7 times less nodes it earns 2 times more per node. The laptop got 0.235 ant and the VPS got 0.078 ant.

Check out the Dev Forum

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Earning rates per node are very random at the moment especially with so few earnings per node now.

I just checked my 2 accounts with 40 nodes each on starlink

One earned 0.012 in last 6 hours and the other 0.006 in the same period. Both using home-network, both on same SBC, both using same ethernet and internet connection. And the first one on the landline earned 0.015 in the same period, others are also all over the place

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Yeah, you have to remember you are 10-15 nodes in a nework of now nearly 400k.

Iā€™ve been running 4 nodes, and am earning with one of them roughly every 36 hours.

But I think the advice is right. Make sure they are all ticking over nicely, pay particualr attention to the connection mode or any blocakges that might be a result of your router or firewall.

And if you still have no earnings after 3-4 days, then consider changing something, for example setting up portforwarding on your router and using custom ports on the LP.


Just to mention, @Profess is running an exotic setup by running internet connection through hotspot 4G, which Neo commented on, on discord, which could be a problem because of limit in number of NAT connections. @Profess You should probably always mention running a exotic type of internet connection when asking for support.


Same, Hetzner nodes always outperforms my home setup it seems, observing it over and over again.

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