We have been working hard recently on improving the structure, layout and flow of our System Docs, the results were published today. The docs are designed to fill the gap between maidsafe.net and the more technical white papers and Github wikis. Please help us continue to improve them by reading and commenting where appropriate, both positive and negative feedback welcomed!
I noticed that site has Disqus commenting system, which is different from logins here (for those who don’t use Google, etc. to sign in). Interesting choice, probably justified by added functionality.
Saw this on the twitter this morning:
This is great work and excellently organised work; Much thanks to MaidSafe Team, for this.
Wonderful, will be reading soon after work on hand.
Just read them all.
Much improved, thanks!
The Docs should also be published to Gitbook, so users can print, download and view in a single scroll-able page
I have published the docs under my own account for now so anyone can:
download this book as: ePUB (for iPad, iPhone, Mac), MOBI (for Kindle) or PDF (for Windows and others).
Once Maidsafe take control of this (and publish the link) I can take this one down. The book does get synchronized to any changes occurring on Github
Nice one @chrisfostertv, we’ll take a look and revert back asap.
It’s also very easy to convert a GitBook to a PDF, ePub, MOBI, single printable HTML page, etc. via the command line.
You just need to have ebook-convert installed (it comes with calibre).
For example, you can generate a PDF of the System Docs by running gitbook pdf
inside the Git repo of the System Docs. You can find more info here.
Yeah thanks @frabrunelle, @chrisfostertv did a similar thing. We use GitBook slightly differently and I’m just waiting for @viv to get a bit of time so that we can publish the PDF under the MaidSafe account. Thanks for filling in the gaps in the meantime!
That would be very cool!
Shona could use the link I provided on their website if need be. Dont want to distract those devs right now
Thanks Chris and apologies for dropping the ball here. @Viv and I did discuss this and were going to change the way we update Gitbook (not using GitHub). We need to fix a couple of things first which inevitably slipped down the priority list, I’ll chase this up tomorrow.
Apologies for the delays with the system docs. Viv and his team had quite a bit of house keeping to do in order for MaidSafe to migrate from hosting the docs within GitHub. We should be up and running tomorrow