I’ve been following the Safe Network development for some time. I finally decided to make an account and ask some questions . My first question is about the equivalent of ‘domain name registration’ on the Safe Network. In the USA (and I’m sure other places as well) there are laws on the books about domain name squatting. This works all good and well in the centralized WWW of today where there is a real person you can go sue, but if anyone can register any page they want, someone with some SafeCoin on the day the network goes live could register google, facebook, etc. Once it is created, they own it, there is nothing anyone can do unless they transfer it. Personally, good for that guy for registering those domains and holding those companies hostage… but I think this could be a good opportunity for the Safe Network.
My proposal here is that when the network goes live, MaidSafe the company pre-registers a boat load of these types of domain names. Things that exist on the old web and companies that exist in the real world. Mind you, there is no way to get everything, but a pretty solid list of medium to large companies shouldn’t be too hard to identify. These could be classified as ‘premium’ domains that need to be ‘purchased’ (with Safe Coin of course!) for a small ‘registration’ fee from MaidSafe the company. As a prerequisite to transferring the domain, a meeting needs to be setup to discuss the terms of the deal as well as what the Safe Network can do for them. This would give a sense of legitimacy to companies/governments that are used to dealing with rules and regulations. It would also be a great marketing opportunity for MaidSafe to show just how amazing this system is.
I envision when the network goes live, it will be a bunch of techies that get it going, underground so to speak, sort of like bitcoin. It will take several years for word to spread and be recognized by the corporate world. So when it takes off, these companies will realize that their ‘space’ was saved for them, ready for them to develop their application or sell their product. At the same time, your retail internet consumer will finally hear about this new “internet” and hop on. The first thing their going to do is go to their favorite search engine and social network site. If these exist with the names they’re used to, it will feel more like home.
What do y’all think?