Release: SAFE Mobile Browser iOS

Last week we released the SAFE Mobile Browser to Android users…well, we’ve been working non-stop and we are now delighted that to announce that we’ve released the SAFE Mobile Browser to iOS users too!

We’re looking at ways to make accessing the browser on iOS as easy as possible for the community, so one option we’re exploring is using AppCenter which allows us to distribute a link or QR code to our registered testers, saving them from having to build the code and deploy to their device themselves. While the plan is to publish the iOS app on the official App Store, this is an interim solution until we have a full network release.


  • SAFE Authenticator for mobile
  • Alpha network access

SAFE Authenticator

Although you will be able to use the new browser to view sites on the Alpha 2 network, in order to use the bookmark feature you will need to authenticate.

Any user who registers with AppCenter for the iOS browser app will also be registered to receive the SAFE Authenticator for Mobile app. They will be able to download this app via AppCenter and authenticate onto the Alpha 2 network.

Alpha network access

It’s important to ensure you’ve registered your IP address in order to access the SAFE Network (Alpha-2). If you haven’t already then here’s how you do that:

  • Log in to the Forum on your normal browser (you’ll need to have Basic Trust Level 1 ).
  • Visit .
  • Click on the SAFE Network logo.
  • Select ‘Alpha 2’.
  • Update your registered IP (if it doesn’t match the Current IP listed)
  • Copy and paste the invitation token into the Invitation field on the Authenticator.
    • this step is only required when creating an account to begin with.


You can sign up here by just providing your email address and then you’ll soon receive a link to invitation for registration and then….you’re off!

As always, let us know if you have any issues in the post below and we’ll help you out.


I cant fill in my e-mail adres, it says only members from the organisation making the form can acces it.

“Je hebt toestemming nodig

Dit formulier kan alleen worden weergegeven door gebruikers in de organisatie van de eigenaar.”

Edit: its a setting in Google forms you need to change :slightly_smiling_face:


Same for me! It says I need permission


Fixed that now, apologies for that :slight_smile:

Just updating with a new link…

EDIT - new link posted in the original message


Great work! Another quick turn around! :slight_smile:


Can anyone tell me what I do with the below please ?

“Could not connect to the SAFE network. try updating your IP address on invite server”

I’ve probwbly shown myself as the tech weakling that I am here :slightly_smiling_face:.


No problem @Brie_scratch_perry, on your device you should be able to access then click through the safenetwork icon to set your IP address. This will whitelist your IP and allow you to access SAFE sites.

For anyone looking for a list of SAFE sites to try have a look at this topic List of Websites/Safesites & WebIDs (Community Resources)


Not really the place to post this, but would it not be possible to build a site on safe allowing users to posts links to other safe-sites ? This way we can have kind of a community-managed list available from inside the safe network.


A community post for Mobile optimized Apps and Sites


With a browser on iOS, Android and most desktop PCs… we are now ready for the arrival of Fleming.



I have got the browser app via the invitation and have registered my IP address. I copied the Authenticator token. I also received another email to install Authenticator but when I click on it it says the developers are working on a version for your Device?


got the same message.

1 Like

Hey @TheSAMYK198, I just updated the build to support you device. Could you please try again?


Hey @iconz, if you have already registered your device then please try downloading the authenticator again.


@ravinderjangra, got it. thanks.


Wow how did I miss this post.

iOS was always something I thought might take much longer. I know how picky and strict they are with every part of their apps. Always a bigger headache compared to Android.

But truly a historic achievement :+1:

So glad to have this running. I’ll have to use an emulator for mobile iOS but still excited to try getting things working for it as well! Hopefully web apps work well enough, cross-platform for now


Hey Everyone,

Last week we released Mobile Browser v0.1.1 POC and mobile Authenticator build for iOS and we got an issue reported that the users aren’t able to connect to the Alpha-2 network using their mobile/cellular data.

We figured out the root cause of the issue and working on a solution. In the meantime, we came up with a temporary fix so that everyone can use Authenticator and mobile browser apps using their mobile data :slightly_smiling_face:.

The new build with the fix is available :tada: on the AppCenter. So, you can install it now from your AppCenter account.

Happy SAFE Networking



Mobile browser v0.2.0 released :tada: