Thank you to all those who have already taken & shared the market research survey! To better reach non-Safe Community members, I’m looking for volunteers who are active participants in the following communities to share the survey in the following places:
Reddit Channels:
- Privacy
- Cryptocurrency
- Technology
- SiliconValleyHBO
- Rad_Decentralization
- Futurology
- dApps
- CryptoMoonShots
- Decentralization
- Web3
- Rust
- Rust_gamedev
- Programmingcirclejerk
- Programming
Project-Specific Reddit Channels or Community Forums
- Algorand
- Arweave
- BitTorrent
- Blockstack
- Cardano
- Ethereum
- Filecoin / IPFS
- Holochain
- Ocean Protocol
- RSK Infrastructure Framework
- Siacoin
- Storj
- Tezos
So we don’t spam these communities, please reply to this thread indicating where you will share the link to the survey.
You can use / adapt the following copy:
What matters most to you about dApp Platforms, Web3 & Decentralized Data Storage? Please take & share this ~5 min research survey. All participants can enter a drawing for Amazon gift cards. 9
This survey will run until 11:59 PM GMT on Feb 28. All winners will be announced after the survey closes. Thank you for your help!