Raspberry pi cant start node

I can see space on my raspberry pi 3b of excess of 35GB thats needed for a node but when i go to manage nodes there is only 1GB listed as free and cannot start a node, has anyone got nodes from a rpi?

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Anyone able to shed any light on this?

It could be a permissions thing. Perhaps this is all that is needed

sudo chmod 777 <mount point>

Or maybe you could chown to your user the mount point

Sorry i ask for forgiveness but i am a pretty much newbie with cli, I can ssh into my pi with VNC and putty but then i cant get anywhere with understanding why the drives are visible but not able to start a node.

Ive tried sudo chmod 777 but no joy, do you have anything else i can try please?

Hi Matt,

Sorry to see you are having issues running Launchpad on the Rpi 3b+

It looks like a code issue on Arm / Armv7 builds where the drive size is over-flowing (can’t be displayed) and is defaulting to 1GB. The max size on 32bit is 2147483647 Int32, in bytes which is roughly 2.14GB (not enough)…

If you are running a 64bit version of Raspbian, you will find this official release will work for you.

Autonomi Launchpad 0.5.1 - Arch 64 - Rpi 3+ / 4 / 5

I’ll log an issue on Github, let us know if this fixes your issue.



I’ve had the very same problem (CM4) , my 2TB is showing up when I select a drive but then 0GB when I try to start… excited to get home and try this. Will report back asap.

Thankyou, I have opened node launchpad and i am able to start nodes. I am however getting “the ant user already exists” and none of my nodes are getting past the starting stage

I am also getting the error “error adding new nodes, maximum amount of 5 retries…”

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Wow, that worked. I’ve been banging my head against the wall for weeks on this. lol How is that not the file that’s linked on the getting started - downloads page? What am I missing? :slight_smile:


Upon reflection I think I’ve answered my own question. :slight_smile: Perhaps it’s few and far between trying to run this on RPi’s. In any case THANK YOU for linking this… I was about to throw this board out the window. HAHAH


Fantastic, I managed to run a node from my rpi3 using the space on the sd card, so only have enough space to run 1 node. I tried the usb hard drive but was having the 5 attempts time out error continuosly, i dont understand why?!

I close the launchpad but cannot get back into it to check on what my node is doing, i get the follwing errors when trying to open it

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Hi is this version of launchpad supposed to be compatable with the most recent version of antnode? I cannot get my nodes to run on it and ive tried everything!

You will need the latest launchpad, as I think some metrics were changed, and while your nodes “might” be running, the launchpad won’t show correctly [I’ve not been able to verify this]

Autonomi Launchpad 0.5.3 - Arch 64 - Rpi 3+ / 4 / 5

try the latest launchpad, then from the [o]ptions menu, do a “reset”, then try adding just 1 node - if that works then slowly add a few more - leave a good 5 minutes…

You won’t loose any earned Attos, they just don’t display correctly when you create new nodes, as it resets to zero in launchpad.

Hope that helps, let us know if you are getting any specific errors.

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Unfortunately the same outcome as for the older launchpad.

The node starts and rund for about 5 minutes and then returns to stop status. I check the cpu in “htop” and for antnode is says its using around 300% cpu which seems high, it seems like this high cpu usage is maybe forcing it to stop

Make sure the memory is not in read-only mode!

I was running 9 nodes before the antnode update to 0.3.4 and havent changed anything

Sounds like the CPU usage. The check for CPU usage is a period of 5 minutes. A check is done every minute and if the 5 checks show the CPU over 50% (total of 100%) then it kills itself.

do you know why this could of changed after the antnode update?

Nope, unless there is some files left over causing issues.
Would be good to reflash the OS first

The new version of antnode does not like the rpi3, have flashed new raspbian to sd card, reformatted hdd, and the cpu usage is still too high to sustain one node for more than 5 minutes

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