When found out that Bittrex did not charge a listing fee, added it’s own liquidity and only required a Malta VFA (Virtual Financial Asset) license, I thought it was a very good opportunity for Maid when presented i to Nick Lambert, Dug Campbell and Sarah Pentland.
Nick, Dug and the team then took it further and did an amazing job getting Maid listed on Bittrex. The listing on Bittrex also opened up listing on Bittrex Global partner exchanges which Upbit.com is or was, don’t know Upbits current state, a part of. I mentioned Upbit earlier but i still don’t know why no attempt to get Emaid/Maid listed on upbit has been made.
I have a feeling that a listing attempt on Upbit could be a very viable opportunity for Emaid or Maid, due to above mentioned reasons. I hope there is people on the Maidsafe team who can tackle the challange as Nick, Dug and the Team did and consider getting Emaid or Maid listed on Upbit.
“Every digital asset listed on the Bittrex Malta platform will be available for our international network of partner exchanges to launch (consistent with their local laws), increasing the adoption of this innovative technology around the world.”
One concern is that Maid still is a mess on example Coingecko and other token/coin price, market cap sites. Maid got the name changed to Maidsafe token, does not have a market cap or ranking. In my mind Emaid is derived from Maid, Maid should show as the main token, while Emaid should show as a derivation of Maid. That might become a application issue, that might need some attention.
It would be great if Emaid got listed, Emaid has proven to work well. As ethereum got more centralised and efficient it has given the effect that gas fees now is much more manageable.
Sad to see BTC now got some of the previous Ethereum problems, ETH and BTC barely functions as tokens for trading. When NFT’s and other things got added it showed BTC and Eth’s limitations and problem with high transaction fees as a result of their shortcomings as decentralised and inefficient.
Thanks, only glad if it can help in some way for the project or the community. It is one of the few ways right now I feel I can contribute.
As Upbit exchange is or was, don’t know their current status, a global partner to Bittrex, then it said on Bittrex that assets listed on Bitrex would have access to get listed on their Global Partners, as I understand it.
“Every digital asset listed on the Bittrex Malta platform will be available for our international network of partner exchanges to launch (consistent with their local laws), increasing the adoption of this innovative technology around the world.” Quotation from BIttrex site.
I don’t know if it is possible to list both, maybe it is time to go with Emaid. I have not thought about it yet. But either one would work.
Maybe explain the situation to the Upbit team and maybe they have an oppinion on which of Emai/Maid or both would be a best fit for their exchange.
Listing Criteria:
Listing_SG@upbit.com is the only channel we communicate with projects regarding to listing. To get your tokens listed on Upbit, please contact this email with following details:
Email Title : [Singapore Listing] Project Name
Information on project
Information on issuing entity
Information on token
Information on token sales
Information on official website and whitepaper
Information on development community
Emails without all of the information above may not be responded to.
As far as I am aware, the Upbit/Bittrex orderbook sharing arrangement ended in 2019. It would be lovely if an exchange was taking it over though, but we’ve not heard anything.
As for MAID listings, the two remaining exchanges that support Omni are HitBTC and Mexc.
But, all being well, we will have some positive news to share on the eMAID front shortly!
It is about the opportunity to be able to send in an application to Upbit as they are a Global partner to Bittrex Global. It might be an good opportunity to try and send an application to Upbit, as we are/were listed on Bittrex. It might be that they accept the application as Maid is LIsted on Bittrex global and have a Malta VFA license. I think you and the team will have to reach out to Upbit to see if there is an opportunity.
Sounds like Emaid might be the best option to try and get listed, that would be great.
Sounds very good, glad that thera are some positive news coming. Either way Upbit might be a very good opportunity also, a low hanging fruit. The more large exchanges Emaid and future SNT is listed on, the better for the project, community and future adoption and success of the Safe network. Just check it out if it might be an opportunity because it might be worth it
Compared to Bittrex Global, Upbit is large exchange platform:
24h Trading Volume
Bittrex Global
24h Trading Volume
Just FYI, these applications are many man months of work and require accountants and lawyers involvement. The original deal was a huge cost to MaidSafe. So for exchanges that not many people have heard of the cost is beyond reach of any honest crowd that has not raised hundreds of millions, but if you have raised hundreds of millions, they will list you
Then there’s the projects in the middle, and we all know what mixture there is in that bag of projects.
I can see it taking month and be a considerable amount in cost for lawyers and man hours.
“Upbit is one of South Korea’s largest exchange”, cointelegraph.com.
I believe Upbit is a well known exchange that has been around for 7 years, I might be wrong. The pro’s might be as they are a Bittrex global partner that listing with them provides similar benefits as with Bittrex Global, no listing fee, they provide liquidity for the coins they list, 100 x larger than Bittrex Global, 10x larger than HitBTC.
But if there are any other well known large exchanges with good reputation who won’t charge a listing fee, accept quality projects, provides their own liquidity then it would be equal as good or better but I don’t know any. If there are those other exchanges, then please let me know as it has been many difficulties the last years with Maid listed on bad exchanges. If there are other good ones then I wished Maid got listed on them much earlier.
The latest year with listing on exchanges which no one knew of, that had bad reputation like P2PB2B, when Maid was listed with them things did not go well. As Upbit is a Global partner to Bittrex then that gives, for me, some weight that they are a decent exchange.
Here are some more info:
Compared to HitBTC
A few negative thing about Upbit is that on coingecko their normalised volume is only a third of the reported volume and that might not be good, also they are in South Korea so they probably receives attacks from North Korea on a daily basis.
I was about to say, don’t get mislead by the volume reported. Some exchanges are known for faking it and that’s usually a major red flag. Personally I’m not a fan of UpBit, and I think there are better exchanges out there that aren’t out of reach. Time will tell. Might be best to wait and see what the positive news is Jim has been referring to and see what to do next.
That is why I gave the normalised volume, but thanks for pointing that out.
Yes, that is negative.
Please give some examples because Maid listings in the last years have been awful, is there any other exchange we could reach right now, similar or better than Upbit? You were a part of the ones who got Maid listed on P2PB2B?
Yes, but also the more large exchanges the better for the project. At least 3 large exchanges would be good. For the reasons I gave for why Upbit is worth considering, I believe it is at least an opportunity to consider and research no matter the outcome if choosing to apply for listing or not. For anyone who comments why Upbit is not good enough, please write some context to why it is not a good exchange in conisdering to the benefits mentioned in the OP.
The focus has always been on getting MAID listed. I’ve been on these forums for ages, actively saying we should put effort into getting EMAID listed as Omni is a dead protocol and exchanges are moving away from it. It makes it very difficult to get a listing done, you need massive volume and liquidity for exchanges to even consider integrating. EMAID on the other hand is a ERC20 token, the most commonly used for exchanges. Integrating is only a matter of entering the contract number and we’re good to go. Obviously they are still looking at if the project is worth listing, looking at volume, liquidity and the project legitimacy etc. But it’s good to have the conversation not being 3-0 behind with omni.
Looking at some of the comments from the Maidsafe team, something is already in the making and they’re now shifting focus to EMAID instead of MAID. I’m happy to sit back and see what the positive news is Jim has been referring too. In general I think we can all be really happy with the progress being made (network wise) and I’m seeing good signs that the Maidsafe team is actively and openly talking about EMAID and the oppertunities. Let’s see in a few weeks from now.
I think we need to be realistic here, even though we’re on the ERC20 network, we’re still a low volume / liquidity project. That needs to change before the biggest exchanges will start to consider us. I know they put great value on the dev team behind it and the number of github commits on a project, I think in that area we have an advantage to some other projects. Realistically, we should get a shot on 1 decent mid-tier exchange (Bitfinex jumps to mind) and see if a marketmaker picks up on the project. Build steady volume on 1 exchange and grow from there. Multiple exchanges simply will not work unless we bring a marketmaker ourself.
Again, happy to wait and see what Maidsafe comes up with. Looking at the comments, they’re actively looking out for us. And honestly, it should be them to do it. Community driven hardly ever works given the legal aspects & requirements.
As you rejoined the forum it makes it a little more difficult to backtrack but I believe you are the one who posted these, now showing username " anon61899651", those raises many red warning flags for me.
“I’m not longer in a position where I can upfront the 76k MAID required to make the swap with P2PB2B, or where I can continue to pay for transaction cost/testing tokens/marketmaking myself. and even if I had, I think that it’s unhealthy for an individual to carry this burden. I’ve already spoken with the Maidsafe team and some community members and mentioned that if someone doesn’t step up soon, P2PB2B will simply delist omni MAID without the eMAID listing resulting in people losing access to their funds if they’ve failed to withdraw from P2PB2B’s platform in time.”
Somehow raised 76k Maid and then soon after P2PB2B was gone.
"I really don’t want to feed into your negativity, but I do want to say the following:
P2PB2B has been a growing exchange for several years now. Their team is growing consistently and they allow US users. Truth is, P2PB2B is a great exchange, they have issues for sure, but I got to know them as a reliable exchange that resolve those issues in a timely manner.
In the rare case someone run into an issues that they can’t solve with support, the team has a direct contact person at the exchange that is here to help around the clock.
It’s not the AAA tier exchange we’re all hoping for, but truth is that it’s the best we’re going to get without spending at least $100.000 (and even then no guarantees). This listing is a big step, allowing the US back in and make the project less reliant to Bittrex. I’m sure we’ll continue to look for opportunities that are worth to spend the teams valuable funds/time on."
You backed P2PB2B as a good quality exchange, later somehow raised 76k Maid and then soon after that P2PB2B was gone and then soon after that you disappeared,
Were you also the one who f’cked up Maid on coingecko and got it removed?
That are indeed my posts. And I think they do not tell the full story. I do not want to get into too much detail as I think it isn’t going to benefit anyone. I’ve actively tried to gain traction on EMAID once it was finally here. Some people tend to believe that a project just gets listed on a triple A exchange and that’s that. Truth it, many project will start at a low/mid-tier exchange. Not everyone is used to the way DEX’s like Uniswap work, and so, to get more people involved we looked for ways to get on a CEX. Being in the space for so long, I had connections at P2PB2B, knowing it wasn’t out of reach getting listed there. Back in the days, the legal environment in the UK was changing and Maidsafe had to be safe and not get involved in listings, it had to be community driven so I took action and got us listed. I think the quote you mentioned sums the story up pretty nice, I did it on my own expenses, draining 76k MAID over time (in my opinion for the good of the project, in hindsight one might argue this). At that time I reached out to the community to help out, which got some generous donations from people here on the forum (not 76k though). Shortly after, P2PB2B requested something only Maidsafe could provide, and once I got into the conversation with them about it, they asked me to take a step back as they simply could not get involved. I stepped back, P2PB2B didn’t get what they requested and so they delisted. The money I raised (even though not covering my expenses in the process), has been offered back to the biggest donator (who was responsible for 90% of the total), which insisted on me keeping it.
It could be, but probably not. A lot a people where actively helping out Maisafe back in the days. When EMAID came online, some requested it to get listed (which I was one of), others requested to change the MAID ticker to EMAID and others requested a merge of the 2 coins in 1 page. I had good conversations with them and was close to solving the issue, but things got quite heated and the Maidsafe team asked me to step aside and let them handle it, which I agreed to.
Hopefully that clarifies some things. And I think we should leave it at that. As mentioned, I can’t and do not want to get into too much details. It was a heated time for everyone and everyone had the project’s best interest at heart. It’s best to let it rest.