#community (couldn’t find a category or tag for this )
Hello everyone,
The last few weeks I have been taking a look at the MaidSafe code, documentation, team and community to see where and if I might fit here. There are a few questions I have but the one that might be the easiest to answer and I have not found an answer to yet on the product site or wiki.
The question is where the the name MaidSafe come from and what was the thinking intent behind it? Especially given the definitions (from Google) below.
a female domestic servant.
an unmarried girl or young woman.
protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost.
not likely to cause or lead to harm or injury; not involving danger or risk.
Thanks for any historical context you can give about this,
I just found what I think is the reasoning for the Safe part on the Wiki:
SAFE stands for Secure Access For Everyone
But why the Maid part? Wondering why the choice of a servant and also why a gendered one? Neither of those things insight “for everyone” to me. Guess that in part is where the question is coming from.
As many programmers are aware names matter and communicate intent hence the curiosity.
Ah, thanks for the @VanCan. Interesting to hear it is also an acronym. Might be nice to add to the Wiki or product page? If I can edit the Wiki I can try add that info at some point.