Project n99 - An Interactive Platform for Creators

This inactivity does have an air of being intentional, his last access to the forum was around the same time Lee made his first post regarding this and Tim has suddenly gone from daily activity to offline for a week. It’s frankly worrying and can only make matters worse in the end.


I see some replies here, “don’t go after him”, “this project is failed only if you don’t invest more money”…To them I say, guys, you are very naive. Tim did nothing for over a year until Lee jumped in. I don’t care if you say he is lazy, this guy didn’t care about you by not doing anything constructive with his project.
The only thing he did was to spend the money in bars , concerts etc. , at least this is what I saw in the YT channel.

I reject every proposal of investing more money to save a sinking ship. This is the dumbest thing you can do given the current circumstances. I have been a part of the Maidsafe community and I know there are some guys in here not necessarily looking at the financial aspect when investing in a coin, OK cool, I am not like that anymore.
Given the amount of scams going on these days in the crypto community we should point the finger at the bad guys for not doing what they said they would and hold them responsible for the failures. When you get even $40k for a project you cannot blame your inner irresponsible child for your wrongdoings.

This said, I hope @we_advance makes a comeback to this forum and offers his excuses first of all, then a plan to correct his mistakes and pay back the money he owes.


I don’t know a lot about what’s been going on & haven’t been that close, but I know this isn’t true having met with Tim & Dawn on two occasions as they were clarifying their plans, and discussing a complimentary concept that I have.

We’ve not been in touch for a while, but I certainly believe Tim & Dawn want the project to succeed.

I know that health has been an issue (quite serious) at times for Dawn, and more recently Tim, so bear that in mind.

Dawn in currently working on a communication, to put forward their side of the story.

As I say, I know very little other than Tim & Dawn seem committed to the project, and they haven’t seen eye to eye with Lee, but so far I’ve only heard what Lee has to say.

I’m looking forward to seeing Dawn’s response, and hope that there can be a positive way forward for the project, as I think the Safe network will be a great platform for artists (particularly musicians) to remove unwanted middlemen from their business.

I think it’s worth holding judgement until we’ve heard from Tim & Dawn.


I was wondering if this was the case???
If you’ve burned out a bit @we_advance ??? then a lot of us will understand, You should just do the Life is People shows (i’m a fan…not every topic or show, but a lot of them) until you get your energy back, if health is the issue :+1:

this is good news.

this is good news


Any action resulting in the loss of investor funds, even in mishandling funds cases, should always be immediately reported. Unfortunately any information in Dawn’s coming communication will be near two years too late.

I did not experience their commitment to Project N99 while I worked on the project. In fact the entire weight of the thing appeared to fall on us. My associate and I ran into slow responses, unwillingness to answer vital questions, and clear incompetence with their understanding of money, cryptocurrencies and business. This first became evident in discussions around the distribution of seed. One of our major differences in thought was that they wanted to retain most of the seed asset for their seed engine. They were adamant about their model, never realizing that the technology that they wanted to use, blockchain and surrounding economy, works nothing like their videos, and that all they would be doing is remaining the centralized distributor of the asset indefinitely. When Tim is convinced about a certain part of his reality, he doesn’t reach to try to understand the world’s understanding of reality. Instead he offers buzz words like ‘I’m changing the paradigm’, which made it extremely difficult to move forward with, as is often said, ‘bleeding edge technology’ such as this. Not to mention I have an entire slack channel filled with poor writing, loose ideas with no support, and basically the same thing that you have seen throughout this thread. Posting of Tim’s videos and art. Not something I am used to seeing on a developer’s channel. Basically it all seemed that Tim didn’t want to conceptualize why blockchain technologies exist and instead used it to hype his own concept*, which is fundamentally weak at best. As things change with blockchain and bitcoin core in general, these aspects become increasingly difficult to navigate, especially in terms of ideas with no concrete logical foundation.

Lastly, if you were a real developer of something serious, why would you let your followers wait while you formulate a response. It seems like there is an unwillingness to be transparent, and I would assume I will be at the bad end of an attack soon.

*My differences with Tim are only centered around the monetization and distribution of the seed asset and mishandling of investors funds. I think the rest of his vision is beautiful and is one of the reasons I bought into the crowdsale. To this day I can’t conceptualize how his seed engine thingy will work as I have never received logic, nor was any published, and any logic I came up with on my own after hours and hours of watching the video to try to dice it up into programmable logic led me to believe it was a waste of time.


So is that this project officially dead then?

No response in 20 days…

if anyone’s from USA and would like to file a complaing to the SEC:

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thanks for the Link looking into this.

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People their happiness is more important to me than money, I invested because I want to see we_advance play out his ideas. I don’t mind being naive…

People have this idea that it’s easy to find devs with the mindset, to create your SAFE Network project. Believe me this is not easy, be my guest to try.

Rejecting proposals is easy, labeling someone as a scammer is easy, but can you also imagine helping another person when they are down? Beside taking the easy route can you say what would be the “smart” thing to do?

If all Maidsafe devs were kidnapped by aliens (my inner child, that’s active 24/7/365), you would probably also have the idea that the SAFE Network failed. Even at $0.67 and a marketcap of over $300M. Yeah even bitconnect is now a completely failed project at $13.45 with a $123M marketcap, if only the token holders realized that they could organized themselves. This is why people are so heavily oppressed they always depend on others to solve their puzzles. Even self organizing is too much asked, let’s just all conclude that this has failed, if we_advance doesn’t come around anymore…

The DAO $0.08 (budget $93M)
Bitconnect $13 (budget $100M)
Maybe now N99 price??? because we_advance didn’t want it on an exchange.
If people don’t have a budget to finish a project, yeah it probably will fail. If we can self organize, but don’t, yeah it probably will fail. :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw @sfcoin this is no attack on you or others, but honestly.

Kickstarters fail, because the project creators don’t deliver and burned through money.
But how do you fail if the project creators don’t deliver, but gave you money?

This is so disappointing, you kids always need someone to hold your hand. It’s actions like this that makes the regulators still think that they are relevant. How disappointing, no offense but this is the reason why Americans are excluded from some crowdsales…


This is just me thinking out loud what I would do if I was an advisor to the N99 project at it’s current state. I prefer to think of solutions instead of focusing on this being a failure, because it’s not/never. Now some of these steps might sound borderline crazy, but maybe they make sense.

#1 Take back all N99 tokens that are currently on the Omni protocol (we_advance will have to compensate the tx costs with new tokens).
#2 Issue an SmartToken, this will enable instant liquidity and give the project exposure.
#3 we_advance could/should, launch the Token with an Airdrop (this will give the project even more exposure and even new token holders).

The problem is, I don’t know how much all of this will cost and who will foot the bill. I don’t know/think that some people would want to learn how to use Metamask or spend their precious time on an migration. Bancor gas costs are also pretty expensive :scream: Seeds price to my knowledge is unknown, we’ll also need BNT for and keep in mind that this could take months. This is just a rough sketch, surely there are others that can help.

Personally I think it’s best to focus on the software, but if all the investment money is gone, what’s a solution? The take away here for future projects is that you never play the game of not putting your token on an exchange and you always keep some tokens to have a longer runway. Even SAFEX now got volumes above $100K at the moment.

Issuing a new token

  • Pretty expensive
  • High gas costs
  • BNT is needed
  • Angry users, booh migration
  • Learning curve
  • It could take months
  • Instant liquidity
  • Project exposure
  • 100+K potential new token holders
  • Silently marketing the SAFE Network also
  • Lower tx fees maybe :frowning:

Focus on software

  • Tough time to get it on an exchange, unless you got working code
  • Tough time to promote this without a budget
    I’ll stop here, I get a headache just thinking about it…

guys, truth be told, this is a dead dead dead cat, can’t get “deader” than this.
I pitty the one who put 20 BTC in the ICO, hope it wasn’t you @19eddyjohn75 , you’re too much of a good guy

I just hope I can bitch slap @we_advance once in my life. If not, hope karma will do it for us, the sponsors of his marijuana induced parties for the past 2 years

This much money hurts us all to be honest, today I contacted @Lee_Travis if he can help with our app, if work stays stagnant on N99. Seeds will have value on our app, probably even the original btc value (if nobody makes a court case out of this, we solve our own problems! if he owes you and he doesn’t have the money, then I owe you, because I’m also a SAFE Network native with an app), but we’re far from coding up what I have in mind. Failure is just not an option for what we do, the SAFE Network and this community deserves the best. I hope the best for @we_advance, he just needs his time-out. In the meantime we got to keep going, develop the best apps ever and attract more devs/users to the SAFE Network.

@sfcoin thanks for the kind words, please be patient one day you’ll get your value back. :stuck_out_tongue:

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We need to know the facts.
Once we know the facts, if there is goodwill
everything else is an easy fix to get things back
on track. If the project goes forward everyone needs to be clear (and have tested and have got results)
the markets the project wants to succeed in, the solution/product offering(s)
and have joint venture partners in place to drive
the growth/onboarding. My 2 cents , if we can see things evolve.

Side note: Why does “The Big Issue” have such a limited selection of publications? One.
Maybe n99 could be a digital product for homeless to sell?


What facts are you curious about? I have a lot of facts.

the facts from @we_advance perspective, because he is the founder.

And the only fact(s) i really want, i guess, is to find out whether tim’s heart is still in his project and that he is doing fine as a human being. This is all very rockn roll.

So is your opinion @Lee_Travis that money has been blown ,perhaps due to overoptimism, the timing was too early and working with two different technologies blockchain/safe was a recipe for analysis paralysis because the two ideas would be in constant conflict …just guesing, we dont know.

And Tim is perhaps, embarrassed, hence the silence?
Or what? Why be silent …it’s hardly the blowup of Enron and we all like him (we hope lol)
Tim has a good relationship with Freedoms Phoenix website/broadcast, maybe this connection could have been valued and developed more in the rollout of the portal? And i totally understand none of this is easy.

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The ledgers I produced were not opinions. I didn’t think this was a personal charity. My overoptimism I guess was based on the fact that MaidSAFE and apps being supported by it were legitimate. My mistake. Believe me I’d love to know where close to 200k went? While it’s not Enron it is substantial but not enough to worry about. Lessons learned as Tim might say.

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you mean we all got the timing wrong for safe:// release?
Maybe that’s a lot of what’s happened here.
Lets not burn bridges over something no-one can control and we can all come
out good when we have Safe:// network (now streaming) even if it means something else emerges (more heavily resourced), we still all win.


I really don’t think timing is the issue. But I have ears…

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I meant I am listening.

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