Project Decorum - Crowdsale (Ended)

Clike usage will be visible, as I understand it. And once you see something disagreeable, you can block further stuff from that source. It costs the user of Clike. Also, organic web of trust likes and dislikes have more weight than Clikes and the Clikes impact decays with time.

My guess is that this sort of model will really change the way those wanting to influence groups from outside will be forced to behave. I think we’ll see and increase of respect and a more genuine effort to service those reached, because those who do it well will be rewarded best, those who don’t do it well will be rewarded less, and those that do other will be moved way out of the money fast, and have to reform and show penitence to be allowed to approach again.

If it doesn’t evolve this way, Users will simply invoke their ability to exclude any affect to rank or visibility that Clike would otherwise have, relying on the organic web of social trust that will be stronger in the Decorum protocol natively.

Efforts by big money to co-opt the system will thus just shut the big money out.

I can think of a few probably-programable functions that would let Clikes still be of value even if big money were abusing it. Such as: having a setting that causes all Clikes to be ignored unless they are posted under content which has subsequently been given organic likes by those within ones trust boundries, and only according to the level of trust those people share with the User.

Decorum, SafeX and the SAFE Network (and other apps certainly) together are a Trojan horse carrying agents of social sanity rather than Greeks.