yeah - current circumstances don’t allow something like that for me … i really need a couple of clones and something that creates a collective mind/memory from them … so little time … so much to do …
If that fails, finding someone to date there is a good second option
Look I like @chriso, but thats taking it just too far.
And @Bux is so nice, I couldn’t bear to eventually break her heart.
xD only issue might be to find someone wanting to date me over there xD
… @JimCollinson comes across pretty open-minded … i think @Bux is reasonable enough to just ignore it when i ask her to grab a together
We need something new for you lot to test via awe, I like your thinking Scott . Ahh it’s all coming together
With live p2p chat feature
Just send my commission directly in autonomi tokens
A public register where people can add backend servers they run and the frontend connects to them and sends/receives messages - I need that api and an ai coder+more time - would be pretty straight forward I think
Haha - and from the main channel people can open private chats by everyone generating a rsa key on connect and starting to send encrypted messages via public/private key communication just through the main chat… Scaled badly but a start…
… We need that api…and more time
Here we go:
- One public register per (utc) day
- Register “private” key is derived from the day
- every key is a channel opened by someone (by adding a backend server for it - and publishing a connection fee)
- clients pay a small connection fee to get the messages - maybe once per hour… Or maybe the fee is 0…
Crappy chat 2.0
I was just trying to remember if v1 was you!! Been a while.
Indeed - and some people really ran that crappy Ruby code of mine backed in the days xD
Soooo cool!
(and thanks to chatgpt v2 might even look a bit nice)
Have we forgotten this thread?
So arbitrum is the l2 solution they did choose - not sure I’ve seen that stated somewhere yet
Shhhh don’t spoil the surprise
Oh sorry =O I’ll not say a word
I would lie if didn’t say that I am both excited and scared at the same time, hope Arbitrum will be able to deliver.
It only needs to not implode for a while… At least I hope this is the case…