Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

A one liner from David and a flurry of comments! Ha! It may even be fixed already. No need to start an OS holy war! :smiley:


The price may be ticking upwards in anticipation of positive news. But what’s another week or three. It should be worth the wait

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That is not the question, the question is: what is another day, hour, minute… second even. Gotta refresh the page again, again and again… Gotta check if @dirvine has liked some post - and if he has, gotta wonder what it means. Then check the price for a change, then head to Github in hopes to figure something out: Yeah there are a couple new commits and a few comments. I don’t understand, but I read them through anyways. Lot of code seems to be removed, some added. I don’t understand any of it. This has to end some day. I go to refresh the forum…


I gues there is never need for a need to start that war. :grinning:

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Focussing on 1 OS is not very smart IMO. You might run into serious troubles to get it working later on at other OS. And then you have to refactor again…


Doesn’t sound like a release today but how amazing it’s so close. Can’t wait to hear what they’ve been up to and what is in their sights.


You misunderstand me. It’s not about a “war” of even what OS is “better”. I’m just wandering whether developing for several platforms at once is good development strategy in general.

It may be. Maybe @nevel is right. I just don’t know.

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I didn’t want to start a Holy War - it was just a throw away remark.

Well maybe a little more than a throw away remark, cos AFAICS a high % of those who will most actively dive in and try this right now can run on Linux.

I’m saying this in the (perhaps mistaken) belief that the gap between Linux release and Windows is of the order of a few days (say max 14) and that valuable testing could perhaps be done before the holiday season (such as it will be this year).

One of my New Years Resolutions (which I never keep) will be to stop communicating in such a way that requires so many parentheses. I believe (perhaps wrongly) that this trait demonstrates a deficiency (however minor) in my thinking processes.

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I’m suspecting the code that runs on each OS doesn’t differ much from the others. So, I’m thinking it is probably some weirdness that just needs tracking down and resolving.

I’m sure if it started sucking time and blocked progress, it would get shelved though.

The issue we are seeing is the limited stack size in widows, overflows. This is probably down to FUtures in rust being enabled on the stack. So when await is called it’s stack-allocated. Win stack is 1K where linux is 8. However we feel we need to get to the bottom of that and have some fixes (like boxing the futures, or heap allocating them) but we are not satisfied these are 100% correct, just yet.


I had a similar problem (between linux and mac) where I used 32MB of stack (which really isn’t much in this modern world), I simply created my own thread in the main, set the stack size and started my program inside the thread I control. I’ve never tried this on windows.
If Windows stack is seriously only 1Mb, doing the above and setting to 8Mb will at least mean it’s consistent on all platforms.

Downside I do have to run tests with this stupidness “RUST_MIN_STACK=33554432 cargo test”


Hey @zeroflaw, you know they made PR with your idea right away? If this is even a temporary solution, I’m going to be soft on you about that sock thing.

Note also this other PR. Seems like they really want to have that testnet rather sooner than later. :slight_smile:


I thought when I did it was gonna be temporary too, but finding an alternative solution has been difficult such as using less stack devastated performance (I have 100’s of micro benches). I’ve just decided its an arbitrary value, setting its to 32Mb isn’t a big deal considering my software will only run on massive servers.


Both of those PR’s merged.

Hmmm… once upon a time we used to have releases on Tuesdays. Wouldn’t that be a great idea? Community would have more time and folks at Maidsafe would have a bit longer time to wind down before holidays.

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Linux is still better than Windows though… :crazy_face:


Careful now…

I was accused of trying to start a Holy War with less innocuous statements last week.

Down with this sort of thing.


Well… Santa is coming… coming…


:partying_face: oo so it might be this thursday!?

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Or might it be… sooner :grinning: