Maybe they will want to use the time till 24th December to add minor improvements? Who knows.
Either way its looking good.
I’m sure they want to have a Christmas break like the rest of us!
Never mind all this pish - the question we ALL want answered is
Are socks on the menu?
To me it sounds like a tool for making restarting internal testnets more handy. But what do I know.
SAFE Network Testnet Automation tool
This tool creates Digital Ocean droplets and deploys nodes to them starting a testnet. Adults nodes are killed and restarted at random intervals creating network churn.
Indeed this is the operative question; although, someone’s gone happy go lucky with the flag button. It’s likely they’ll deem these comments off topic too…
Censorship! Safenetwork can’t come soon enough!
Also, this looks like a terraform and ansible job to me.
Ha, aye. Bash is not the best place for this. I’ve only dabbled w/ terraform previous, will have to dig deeper.
Would be great to get as much of the logging/parsing stuff into vdash eventually. The script is… crude
I’m wondering what tommorow brings us… Hey @Southside what does your meter say?
The agog-o-meter is sadly broken… Needle is bent and unresponsive.
I will try to solder up a new one tonight
This just arrived today
Now I need to use the old soldering iron - the one with a bit like a scaffolding pole - to delicately fix my delicate soldering iron
Only because it is offtopic and forum guidelines says price speculation is only for the trading and speculation topic specifically for it.
Is there a good chance to see a test net today? What do you guys think?
I think we are still waiting on releases of a few more components, but I could be wrong.
Difficult to say. I thought there was a problem only in Windows and that it was fixed. But there has been a lot of Github activity lately on many fronts, not only Windows stuff.
I fancy that a testnet will be released today
I’m saying not, but please don’t ask me to explain my reasoning!
If there’s no testnet release today, I suspect Zeroflaw won’t be eating any socks for quite some time.
The question is: Is Zeroflaw the one that is trying to make sure MAID does not move over $0,32 by desperately trashing the price everytime it tries to get over that level? Very stupid and costly process for him.
I think he would be better, if he’d just threw in the towel and move on.
Are you willing to put your socks where your mouth is?
No, but then I’m a man of my word