Other Coins - Price & Trading topic

whats your ratio between BTC and MAID?

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That doesn’t necessarily need to be public info but it is a fan boy ratio not a logical one :wink:.


Your not alone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


But you do walk alone…

I dont really follow precious metals, I think some folk here do though?

Is the fact that gold is selling off at the same time bitcoin ETF’S are getting a lot of press suggesting that bitcoin is eating some of golds pie?

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There is obviously some shifts in who holds what.

But remember someone sells gold and someone buys it.


@Dimitar What happen to Pulsechain and Hart’s attempt at cloning the ETH Blockchain?

Currently, this experiment seems to be successful, there are over 52 thousand validators:


Privacy. Security. Freedom


Very interesting! Thanks for the update!

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2015 and 2016 were good years. Next 2024?

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Well, since we can no longer trade MAID on exchanges (so no arb possible), and eMaid only has 22.4 million converted, we would need a price of $520 per eMaid to be a top 10 coin… Not gonna lie, I am not against that :money_mouth_face:


Well - hitbtc has maid listed - hasn’t it? So the assumptions don’t hold 100% I’m afraid :wink:


Aah yes I forgot that :smirk:


A price of $550 should bring Emaid to top 2, as Emaid is a representation of Maid, so Emaid market cap should be counted with Maid total supply times Emaid price. But I’am not against a top 2 position either. Emaid is now wrongly represented as currently only circulating Emaid supply is multiplied with the price to get market cap, someone should probably fix that. Emaid market cap should be counted against 452,552,412 maximal possible Emaid supply, same as Maid current supply. And why does MaidSafeCoin not have a coins in circulation number and called MaidSafeCoin token?


Order Book
Buying MAID
Amount Bid 489339.8 @ 0.00011000 ($0,26 total $127k or 53.8 ETH )


Wow… that’s a big order. And, a wise use of 52.8 ETH I think!

Will be interesting to see if it gets filled, and if so, how soon.

Edit: This order may be a good opportunity for anyone who has MAID and wants to transition to EMAID without going through KYC with Altcoinomy… though, I’m not sure what the KYC requirements are for HitBTC, so it may be no better.


“ETF’s are a perfect way to literally get under someone’s skin” Quote from Hannibal Lecter in Eddy’s fantasy world :roll_eyes:.

Moreover with ETF’s these institutions have no skin in the game, while they are skimming/skinning the game.

Enough epidermic Lecter

I’m amazed that 1 bitcoin is not $1M @ the moment, but it just shows you how you can have a swimmingpool in liquidity in the real asset if you cheat yourself, while the institutions can claim to have the s7ven seas in liquidity.

How do you say :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: to both ETF’s ? With over 6 billion ounces of “physical gold” in the world, if bitcoiners started buying 1 ounce of “physical gold” for 1 bitcoin, they would… :grin: yeah, yeah 1 ounce of gold is $2K and not 1btc :wink:

bitcoin’s ETF within one week overtake silver’s ETF…

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@DavidMc0 I thought I would be clever and ask Grok what token is gaining taction fastest on X.
It suggested I look at SAVM and low and behold I see you follow them.

Looks like it just launched in Jan from a quick poke around. Do you hold any nuggets of wisdom on this.

Im looking for a low cap or two to potentially play on going into the bull.


I have followed them a little after hearing a bit about it & seeing it pump crazily, and then seeing the fairly scammy stuff play out in terms of how the ICO and pump was managed. I stopped following with those shenanigans, so can’t give much insight other than be cautious, which applies for basically any project, and especially those with questionable tokenomics / ICO ethics.

Good idea looking for decent low-caps ahead of the peak bull… I need to do a bit more of that as well!


With all the excitement going on here bitcoin fast approaching new all time high is almost a non event.

Last bull we had a poll.

  • 50k to 80k
  • 80k to 100k
  • 100k to 150k
  • 150k plus.
0 voters